Video - Police Chief brutally honest about who commits crime

That was Awesome! Sad that police have to deal with that everyday.
I completely agree with him. The sad thing is that the people that it is directed towards will most likely refuse to acknowledge, or believe it so they can keep their agenda to make everyone but themselves responsible for what's happening.
Here's another one that tell it like it is.......................

[ame=""] - This guy talks to his own race about behavior and getting things straight.[/ame]
Its ok-I live here a few things he said is correct BUT he also in the next breath wants all guns removed within the city of Milwaukee other than Police.He is 100% against law abiding citizens from possessing firearms in ANY form,In fact he made a statement about it in that video "high power high capacity weapons" If you want truth about Milwaukee and other city's you don't have to look to much further than Milwaukee county's top sheriff David Clark he is very well spoken on inner city problems and how to fix them.
Its ok-I live here a few things he said is correct BUT he also in the next breath wants all guns removed within the city of Milwaukee other than Police.He is 100% against law abiding citizens from possessing firearms in ANY form,In fact he made a statement about it in that video "high power high capacity weapons in the hands of criminals" If you want truth about Milwaukee and other city's you don't have to look to much further than Milwaukee county's top sheriff David Clark he is very well spoken on inner city problems and how to fix them.

I did not hear anything about taking them away from EVERYBODY.
It's so great to see two people who cut thru all the s!^t and said it the way it really is !!!
U dont live here and see his actions on local news-nevermind u wouldn't understand. -steve