Vinny passed away this morning.



Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2009
Reaction score
Aurora, IN
I really don't know what to say.
I don't mean to bum out FABO but there are members here who I feel are his friends and I would like them to know.
It's very hard for us right now. We were supposed to be celebrating his birthday tomorrow. He just turned 10 the other day.

I lost my best friend in the whole world. I was in such a rush to get him to the vet this morning I din't have time to lay with him and pet him and tell him I love him like I do everymorning before he goes out.

It all happened so fast...... I'm sorry Vinny that I didn't take the few extra min. this morning to love on ya and pet your head to wake you up and help you up this morning, I am trully sorry for not spending the few min with you. If I would have known it would turn out this way, I would have stayed at the house this morning with you so we could say our goodbys and you could have had your birthday cake too. It's my fault for "Rushing" you to the vet, but I thought I was helping. You could have spent the day with us if I wasn't so worried about getting you to the vet so fast.
I'm sorry I didn't know.
I still love you and will miss you till I die and we see each other again.
Your loving Dad forever.
Goodbye my little pretty puppy.


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I am so sorry, I can't believe only moments ago I posted on Vinnie's birthday thread. All the wonderful things you said about Vinnie I am sure he would say back to you two.
Dogs are great. It's really hard to loose a close friend/family member. Sorry to hear about your loss.

Thank You.
I've been around so many rotts sense 1985, maybe over a hundred.
None were like him.
Have a good day today zhandfull.
Thank you for stopping by.
Also please don't beat yourself up, no one could have been a better friend to Vinnie than you were.
I am so sorry, I can't believe only moments ago I posted on Vinnie's birthday thread. All the wonderful things you said about Vinnie I am sure he would say back to you two.

You've been a good dude to ABB, Vinny, Lex and myself.
I read your post a moment ago.
You are very kind.
I think I knew something was up when I wrote that post. It was like I was writing his tribute. It was writing itself and I couldn't stop. I should have known.
I really wish I would have waited till the end of the day today to take him to the vet, but I thought he broke his leg and needed to hurry.

Thanks again goldfish65 for always beeing so nice to our family.
I'm a big strong man but could not get that read with dry eyes. I'm so very sorry for your loss. Our Mugsy turned 10 this year. Wish I had better words for you.
I am so sorry to hear about your loss! Dogs are the best friends to ever have. They are the true meaning of "unconditional love".
I'm speechless......well, more shocked than speechless.
I loved seeing the pics of him and your other pets in your threads along with the funny captions.
As a pet lover as well, i feel great sorrow for you and your loss.
Take care and don't blame yourself.
All dogs go to heaven.
I'm a big strong man but could not get that read with dry eyes. I'm so very sorry for your loss. Our Mugsy turned 10 this year. Wish I had better words for you.

Thank You DusterN73.
You are kind to say.
Thank you for being there for us today.
I am so sorry to hear about your loss! Dogs are the best friends to ever have. They are the true meaning of "unconditional love".

It is trully like loosing my son.
It's the end of a long life with me rottwielers.
I could never go through this again and we do still have Lex to worry about now.
He is really spending time looking everywhere for Vinny
Thank You holmes for your kind words.
I'm speechless......well, more shocked than speechless.
I loved seeing the pics of him and your other pets in your threads along with the funny captions.
As a pet lover as well, i feel great sorrow for you and your loss.
Take care and don't blame yourself.
All dogs go to heaven.

Thank You Dartnut.
I'm still shocked.

I should have slowed down and thought about what I was doing instead of running too the vet in a panic.
When they put him under for an Xray, I should have been at the face end, telling him how much I loved him not holding his back leg on the table so he wouldn't fall. One of the nurses could have done that.
I really wish we would have spent the time together untill the later vet hours around 4PM.
God what was I thinking???!!!
I didn't even get any Vinny kisses before he went under for the xray.
Then after viewing Xray we knew it wouldn't be right to let him come back around just so I could say goodby then put him to sleep again.
It would have been too hard on him and not right.
I just needed a few moments with him before he left. The whole morning was a mad rush and nothing went as usual.
I just wish we had those 3 min. of morning pet and wake up time.
I've lost many dogs before but nothing like this.

Have a good day today Dartnut.
didn't mean to dump on ya just then.
It kinda just babble right now.
Sorry to hear about your best friend, Vinny! Just lost my best friend Scooter about 45 days ago. It's been very hard to deal with. I never thought losing a Dog would be so hard. Just remember the good times you had with Vinny.
Thanks John, and take care. You'll get through this.
Oh, and my condolences to ABB too.
Sorry to hear about your best friend, Vinny! Just lost my best friend Scooter about 45 days ago. It's been very hard to deal with. I never thought losing a Dog would be so hard. Just remember the good times you had with Vinny.

Thank You moparmusclecars.
I am sorry for your loosing Scooter too.
The other dogs I've had were hard to put down but nothing compaired to Vinny with me. I don't know why, it was just harder. Maybe I'm softer and more caring in my older age now.
The hard part right now is cleaning up Vinny's stuff around the house and not trying to be obvious about it in front of our other dog, Lex.
He was very co dependant on Vinny. I can already tell he is heading for some big changes too.
Think I'll give Lex a bath today and start spoiling him to make him feel better.
Have a good day today moparmusclecars.
Rest in peace Vinny, you will be missed by all. So sorry for you loss John and ABB.
My sympathies for your loss.

Thanks for saying Joeychgo.
It's really going to be pretty somber around here for a bit.
Thank You for having FABO here for me.
I don't remember what life was before FABO!
I'm very glad FABO is here for us.
Have a great day today Joey.