Vinyl top or not ?Want suggestions.


lee g

Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2011
Reaction score
I painted my 72 dart yesterday. Base clear sublime green with a gold pearl. Well after looking at it this morning in the sun I see the usual dust nibs with somehow two tiny bugs (hopefully these will vanish with a little wet sanding and some cut and buff) but what concerned me the most was that I have two areas on the sail panel portion behind the 1/4 window that apparently didn't cover well with the color. You can see a couple of shadows showing through of the primer. It is on both sides (passenger and driver). When I bought the paint locally the guy told me mix the base 1 part color and 1 part reducer. I had noticed the label said 2 color to 1 reducer but he said it was not necessary. When I sprayed the color i noticed it was opaque but just put a couple of extra coats on it. I guess I didn't cover these areas well enough even though I went over it with 2 extra coats.
I left the vinyl top molding holes and I was going to put the molding on but no vinyl top. I know it is a pain to blend the pearl paints so I really don't want to get more paint mixed and re-do it.
Should I just live with it or put a vinyl top on? Any suggestions.
Also, this is not a true show car (if so I would have paid someone to paint it because I just a amateur with 4 kids and a wife that stays at home so money is always tight) but just something to play with and take the family out in. Maybe take to a few local car shows in and I know it will look better than some I have seen.
If it really bothers you cover it up. I probably would if it was mine. Besides, I like the look of a vinyl top.
Well, lets see a pic. I painted my car Plum Crazy and like you I left the holes for the trim. I left the trim off and looked at the car for 3 weeks before I decided to put the vinyl top on. I like the look so much better with the high impack colors. just my .02.
I agree...the high impact colors look really nice with a vinyl top. They kinda need one to offset all that bright color.
Well if the rest of the car came out really great, then the vinyl top might put the car into show quality status. I Like the vinyl top look.
I looked the car over again real good. Well maybe 6 -7 times and found several other spots on the car body itself. They are not noticeable unless you get real close to it and look at it straight on and not at an angle. I will try to post some pics later
I personaly love vinyl top cars, they look more highly optioned, and not so plain, especially with a high impact color.
vinly top nothing but a moisture trap for rust..........even out here in the desert...I would leave it off..
Our Challenger has had a vinyl top on it for its whole life and no issues whatsoever. Duster has had one for ten years now, also no issues.