Visited a restored Gas station in town.

Very very nice. It's amazing that they were actually willing to spend the money on something like that. You should have had someone dressed in coveralls checking your oil in one of those pics :)
Very very nice. It's amazing that they were actually willing to spend the money on something like that. You should have had someone dressed in coveralls checking your oil in one of those pics :)

That is a cool place, I wish more people would bring things around like that.
It's right next to the sherriffs office so someone would have to be super stupid to vandalize or try to steal one of the gas pumps.

I'm not quite sure the entire story on this gas station and who's idea it was to restore it but it really gives the town the "old school" feel when you drive past it.

Yeah plum crazy, I mentioned to my Daughter that I should have worn coveralls and got in the pics but I think one day I might dress a couple of my Daughters up in coveralls to pose under the hood there but I'd probably cause a few fender benders at the intersection if I did that.
WOW, that's cool the county did that! That's unheard of!!!
Is there armed guards there at night so some idiots don't try to steal the pumps/lights/or tag the building???????
Your car looks cool there! Do you have any far away shots of the entire building from different angles?

I think my daughter may have got one from the other side but not a far away shot.
Beautiful! Are those standard e-body AAR stripes or custom?

Standard stripes for the 70 AAR in flat black but manipulated to fit the car.
They are also cleared over so I can run the buffer right over them and not have to worry about wax in the edges.

I was going to have them painted on but could imagine what a nightmare it would be taping them off?
Nice!! You know how awesome it would be if many cities would do something historical like this? Just think of the Revenue it might bring in, well it might not be much, but it might be something.
love the pic... especially the first one.. because theres really nothing in the shot that is easily identifiable with todays world.. so, I took the liberty of re-coloring the pic with an effect to give that yellowed, old time look of late 60's film... hope ya like it..


  • d262e774974c491fa25f89010260acba_zps227c1540.jpg
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With that car in the picture you don't see the gas station.

That is a real nice looking example of a 67 notch back. I would say it probably runs as good as it looks. The the same front shot with the hood closed do you have one?. The way the sun is on the car in that pic is perfect.

A station like that in are town would be nice . But that car in my garage would be nicer.
:prayer: Nice pics. Thanks for sharing. I've got a Sinclair pump that's identical to the ones in the pics. Like everything else around's waiting it's turn to be restored!
With that car in the picture you don't see the gas station.

That is a real nice looking example of a 67 notch back. I would say it probably runs as good as it looks. The the same front shot with the hood closed do you have one?. The way the sun is on the car in that pic is perfect.

A station like that in are town would be nice . But that car in my garage would be nicer.

Here's a couple more.
I have one I need to load that is really killer with the hood shut.
I am waiting for my Daughter to email it to me.


With that car in the picture you don't see the gas station.

That is a real nice looking example of a 67 notch back. I would say it probably runs as good as it looks. The the same front shot with the hood closed do you have one?. The way the sun is on the car in that pic is perfect.

A station like that in are town would be nice . But that car in my garage would be nicer.

This one needs desaturated if anyone feels the need.

Desaturated, and done in the 60's film style like the last one I did.. love the car.. love the shots.. hope you like my tweaking...


  • fecd1444c5d01dfd185ad42667acad49_zps9eae5893.jpg
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Yep, I'm enjoying it, but still for sale.

It's a hunk of metal and really no emotional attachment.....I know it's crazy but family first Brother.
That is too cool! Kudo's for the town of Cumming Ga. We need more of that around the country! Thanks for posting Spaz and your Cuda looks hot as hell!
So good to see your Cuda again Spaz, That is one groovy station right there, and a great photo shoot for your ride :eek:ccasion:
i love ur cuda and love that ur town does this , our town is rinky and small but where into the old world stuff aswell almost evrey building in my town is victorian age and the city actually goes through trouble to restore some old victorian building, one building i really love ill get a pic cause it goes great with this thread theres a painting on a wall of a 50's gas station at work done by famous artist duane flatmo

found a site that has the mural really cool looking i think

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