Vizard talks lifters, and the Rhoads fast bleed type.

Wellll, you could try telling David Vizard he does not know how things work. I doubt he would bother to stoop to that level. When you have written something like 40 books, countless magazine articles, won pole positions, races, championships and done consulting work for NASCAR and F1 teams, maybe you know a thing or two.
In the mean time, I will pay attention where a proven track record indicates I should.
Try adjusting your lifters like that and the report back. Kim
Boy, we are playing right into Vizard and Tony's You Tube hands. I wonder how much subs and views have gone up for them since we started talking about them here?
Boy, we are playing right into Vizard and Tony's You Tube hands. I wonder how much subs and views have gone up for them since we started talking about them here?
Not sure about that, but I think a bunch of blood pressure has gone up. LOL!!
Wellll, you could try telling David Vizard he does not know how things work. I doubt he would bother to stoop to that level. When you have written something like 40 books, countless magazine articles, won
Not sure about that, but I think a bunch of blood pressure has gone up. LOL!!

pole positions, ra
Not sure about that, but I think a bunch of blood