Waah waah what did you expect?

I wanted Pain, she was the cutest Chinese girl I've ever laid eyes on. I was heartbroken when she said she was getting her citizenship and was changing her name to some totally American name like Debby or Kathy. I wanted Pain, lots of Pain.
There is a little Asian girl at my wife s work
She's called Pam...but we always call her Tammy because That's what every Asian manicure girl is called
She wanted her child to be special and get lots of attention. Be careful what you wish for. Dumbass
How's bout you raise her to be an exceptional girl and have her get attention that way?

I maintain that some people shouldn't be allowed to have kids, and if your coming up with this idiocity as a name, it's an open and shut case
Had a neighbor in England that named his dog, Dog. Pronounced dee-oh-gee.

And named his cat, Cat pronounced See-a-tee.

Everyone is right about if you name your kid abcde, expect a lot of attention... And not much positive attention.
I am reminded of a movie. In real life my movie would be "I see stupid people" which seems to be a daily multiple repeating occurrence for me now.
I deliver pizza as a side job. Have a customer named Phillip Butts! I also work with Chris Peacock. Say that one fast-I dare you!
My daughter went to grade school with two sisters named, (captain)Morgan and Bailey(irish creme).
Father told me at one of girls softball games that the names came from the liquor consumed prior to conception????

They dodged a bullet. Could just as easy been named Blatz...or Sloe.
Some lady whining because people made fun of her daughter's name
Only it turns out, she's an idiot (the mom, not the girl)
I just can't help but think if she had put a little thought into the girls name, rather then pulling a spoon out of a bowl of letter soup, this wouldn't have happened

I guess as long as idiots do stupid stuff, us with nominal brain capacity will make fun of them

https://www-foxnews-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.foxnews.com/travel/airline-agent-mocked-5-year-old-epileptic-girls-name-mother-claims.amp?amp_js_v=a2&amp_gsa=1#referrer=https://www.google.com&amp_tf=From %1$s&ampshare=https://www.foxnews.com/travel/airline-agent-mocked-5-year-old-epileptic-girls-name-mother-claims

My friend Chris named his first son Charger and his second son Beau (as in 'Duke').

For his first Halloween, Charger got a Superman uniform and became SuperCharger.
I went to school with a guy named Horton Thorton jr. and worked with a man named Jerry Peacock and he and his wife actually named their daughter Penelope and call her Penny for short..but the funniest one of all to me is a man who is a patient at the pain management clinic I go to who's name is pronounced Lamon juh-lo but spelled lemonjello..no kidding..
A friend of mine's wife is named Anita. You'd think she would've thought twice before marrying into the Dyck family. Yeah, Anita Dyck