Wanted: 1 Barrel Holley Carb



Evolutionary Member
Aug 21, 2009
Reaction score
Muskego WI
I'm looking for a stock 1 barrel Holley carb for my '66 Barracuda /6. Does not need to be perfect but all parts must be intact. Preferably not coroded beyond recognition.

Heres the rest of the story.
I recently had my original carb rebuilt and can not get the car to idle after the ckoke opens. Kills at every stop unless you keep your foot in it. Had it back to the guy that rebuilt it three times and he can't figure it out. Don't start ripping on the guy, he's very good, and knows his way around a carb. Last we talked, he is willing to give me a free rebuild on a different carb, so I'm looking for a good candidate for a rebuild.
i have one on my 72 dart im willing to sell, i had the same problem yu do, but with mine i had the firing order wrong, nd once i fixed that presto runs like a champ
'66 is still the linkage type carb.....'72 is cable type.....I have one of the replacement Holleys for that year. It has both early and late linkage on it.
Thanks, Mark