Warmer weather means the time has come....



Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2005
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Time to dig the Cuda out from under months of dust and spider webs and get it ready to start embarrassing the LS and Coyote boys. Already completed the maintenance and got he underhood area cleaned up. Time to show them what 600" of Hemified "A" body is all about. Lookout Bowtie and Blue Oval boys - she's almost ready....

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Me too. How about a few photos of the rest of your ride? Looks like a beauty.
Time to dig the Cuda out from under months of dust and spider webs and get it ready to start embarrassing the LS and Coyote boys. Already completed the maintenance and got he underhood area cleaned up. Time to show them what 600" of Hemified "A" body is all about. Lookout Bowtie and Blue Oval boys - she's almost ready....

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Beautiful! Gnarly looking ride!
Yeah man, not many out there going to keep up with that! Those rear tires look sticky!
Getting a little closer. Cleaned, clay barred, waxed the exterior. Today is wheels/tires day. Saturday morning is interior day. Going to the Braves/Yankees exhibition game at the new ball park tomorrow evening, so no Cuda work will be done that day. She's starting to chomp at the bit. These silly litttle LS and Coyote boys keep driving by the house irritating her.


