weight off my shoulders (sort of)



Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2011
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muskogee oklahoma
Ive always wondered why i was restless and didnt quite fit in with people my age around here. I have a history of depression and bi-polar people in my family and thought maybe it was affecting me slightly from time to time. I always lose interest in my projects at the emd and get rid of them. I never know what to do. I dont drink, party, club or really even hangout with people that much. For fun i love learning, creating, and doing things. Ive always felt different than most people and like i wasnt understood. The only time i feel comfortable talking to people is when its about cars, ideas, or creating things. I dont even talk to my family, so much so they know nothing about me. I found this and the list of attributes in the link described me to a T
Now that i know theres nothing wrong with me i just have to come up with some way to take care of this lol
This may not be an "affliction" neccesarily but i figured it would probably describe alot of you guys aswell and help you to know theres greatness brewing inside you!
Some of you may even have kids that are described here and now you can begin channeling their creativity into usefullness.

I read your link as was blown away at some of the things it describes & how I fall into that. I assure you that you are not alone!
It blew my mind aswell! I had no idea that those things just ment that you had a creative mind, i was always under the impression that i just had some small disoder that made me like this. I wish i could find a cheap way to create though. I went to the local video/music/book/random stuff store today and looked at books for over an hour trying to find one that would teach me and let me use my hands but couldnt find much sadly. And the local hobby shop was closed today so that made it even worse. I have four 2x4's sitting in the backyard and the last week and a half i have thought about nothing but a way to make something with them! Its driving me crazy!
Hey, Dustin. I know for a fact there are a lot of people out there like you. So I wouldn't feel alone. I am guessing by your username you were born in 1991. When I was around that age I felt a lot of anxiety. Your life is changing from your school years to your working years and it is part of growing up. You start to disconnect from friends, and try to find an outlet for your unused energy.
Hey, Dustin. I know for a fact there are a lot of people out there like you. So I wouldn't feel alone. I am guessing by your username you were born in 1991. When I was around that age I felt a lot of anxiety. Your life is changing from your school years to your working years and it is part of growing up. You start to disconnect from friends, and try to find an outlet for your unused energy.

Lol your good! I think when i got rid of my duster a few weeks ago it removed my creative outlet and took away my source of problems that needed solved. I love challenging my mind and have been trying to find something like chemistry or algebra to fill that hole but knowledge without an intended use is just reading
Dustin great research,it is nice to know what is going on with yourself. Id you wasn't so far a way you could help me create my Charger
Mihaly Csikszentmilhalyi..with a name like that, you gotta believe her..or him? Creativity is not a handicap, but if you let it get between stuff that is important to your livelyhood and it becomes a destructive attribute, then it may become a handicap...I may be included in this group as all of my jobs have been working alone, ie on the road driving a route truck or in a utility van. I just feel more comfortable working alone. I got so many projects in the air at one time it drives my wife crazy, but I just shelve the incomplete ones and move on. In time I come full circle and pick up right where I left off, but Im usually short about 1/2 the parts again. Diagnosis is the first step, the rest is up to you. Your not alone.
Join the club! Realize that "If you do what everyone else does then you will get the same results everyone else gets". I enjoy creating and re-purposing stuff, and have several ideas that if I can afford to prototype, should be profitable. Now I just have to "create" the capital to start up.
i no exactly what you mean. Im right around your age i was born in 92 i have the same problems i dont like to talk about my problems at all i bottle them up till it eats away at me and i completly shut down. My biggest problem is when that happens i turn to drinking to (numb the pain) which is never good. ive some what learned to open up and talk about my promblems or i just go work on my car for awhile to cool off. so just try to talk about whats goin and it usually helps A LOT.
It is a big weight off your shoulders when you become comfortable with yourself the way you are, it sets you free...thanks for sharing your breakthrough moment.
Everybody is wired a little different. Accept it,and enjoy life.
Make sure you have a hobby or two,to keep your mind at ease.
Hold your head up high,and keep trucking.
:angel7:Hey man, I just got back from a midnight ride in the rain on my Harley. I will be 42 next weekend, don't let crap get you down! It happens to us all!. Guitarist (Lead, over 28 years) let Your Self be Free, from hang ups! Hang out with your True Friends. Drinking ain't the answer, trust me , I know!!!!!!!! Not advocating riding in the rain, or riding at all, just saying I have issues.......