Well...are you 'gonna make it through?



Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2008
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Feb. 1st
the old timers say you should have "half your hay and firewood"
left to get through winter!
i drove the duster today
it was so nice out, i thought, why not?

well, i found out why not when i came back home
took me about 10 minutes to make it up the drive AND i had to park in the wife's spot
Haven't heard that in a long time. I remember my grandfather saying that, makes you think though doesn't it
I'll be passing over you on my way to the Caribbean in 17 days, if you throw the sunblock really high I'll snag it on the way by. BTW I have 1/2 of my Jack Daniels left so I'm good.
ha! moved to SE Tx couple months ago. bought a rick of wood, costs $125. hardly NOONE here sells firewood!... half gone. BUT, hardly any form of COLD weather here.
that many $$ would have heated my home in Missouri all winter! burning wood every day and only source of heat! ha......