Well it’s not pretty, but it’s race ready

Thanks for the kind words guys and the good luck wishes. Drag racing and working on cars has been a big part of my life. Creeping up on my 50 year anniversary so Lord willing I way hit it. I can honestly say my Doctor ordered me to get racing this year after being sick last year. He’s from India or somewhere like that and when he sees me comes in and sits down to talk. He’s honestly excited about what I do at the track and how it keeps me going. Gonna be a busy day so I’m off to have breakfast with my mens church group.
You should tell him to get his *** out there and watch you race! He'd probably like it.
Thanks again guys. Arrived safely and parked for the weekend. One more quick repair (center front hood pin) then time to fire up the grill and possibly an adult beverage, or two. Time to kick back and relax.
Thanks again guys. Arrived safely and parked for the weekend. One more quick repair (center front hood pin) then time to fire up the grill and possibly an adult beverage, or two. Time to kick back and relax.
Well earned!!

Have a great competition!
Thanks again guys. Arrived safely and parked for the weekend. One more quick repair (center front hood pin) then time to fire up the grill and possibly an adult beverage, or two. Time to kick back and relax.
:thumbsup: Good deal, hope you have a great time !
Now we’re talking
A couple burgers, diet Dew and vodka, and dessert for later. I love racing.



You are living the dream John! I just got the last load moved down to Arkansas from Fargo. Race car is nestled in the shop and I don’t even know where nearest track is yet! I am guessing still Tulsa but it would be very cool if one was closer. This year was a scratch for me due to the move. We have basically been moving all summer. I load up race trailer with a load and haul it. 1,000 miles each way. It about killed me. Have a great weekend of fellowship and debauchery! PS the way you launch nobody is gonna see the rattle can! All they see is the oil pan!