Well, today sucked.....



Legandary Member
Legendary Member
Jun 2, 2004
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Yeah...Yeah.... I know it's not A body related, but I just gotta vent.

I lost a good friend to cancer yesterday. He fought it on & off for the last 6 yrs. and seemed to be doing well. Then I get the phone call.... :(

While Dave wasn't a muscle car owner, he did own a bunch of weird stuff over the years: a 302 Ford powered `65 VW single cab pick-up, a Judson supercharged `67 Beetle, a `55 Oldsmobile ( that was used in a music video YEARS ago...)a `48 Ford,and a Miata!
His last car was a sweeeeet steel `32 Ford Tudor that was primered w/ flames. He enjoyed everything car related and was a big kid at heart. As a matter of fact the steering wheel in my `Cuda was originally in his `32, but he gave it to me since it looked out of place in his Rod.

That wheel will stay in my car. For good... Rest in peace Buddy.
Sorry for your loss.I've been there myself,i lost several family member's to cancer.The last was an uncle to lung cancer just a couple month's ago.
My sincerest condolenses. I have a close friend that is losing the battle with cancer also, and it took my Mother-in-law last month. and just found out my sister may have it too. What a helpless feeling, knowing that there is nothing you can do.
Sorry to hear that! It's been a really wierd week around here. Dan, one of my salespeople had his Mom pass, then another one of my salespeople had his son almost die in a 4 wheeler incendent. They air lifted him and I don't know how he is. Then the same day another salesperson had his best friend die today. Makes you think a bit.
Do not dispair, it's always tough to loose a friend. Rest assured he is in a better place.
Sorry about your loss man. Freinds come and go, but sime stay with you forever. Remember the good times
megajoltman said:
Sorry for your loss

Thank you everyone for your kind words. It really bummed me out this week....

BTW: I lost my Mother a year ago this past St. Patty's day to cancer too.... Definitely a shitty disease :(