Went out for a cruise...



Legandary Member
Legendary Member
Jun 2, 2004
Reaction score
Tom stopped by and I promised him a ride in the car. I pulled it out and headed for gas. Then we started driving....and driving.....and driving. We were out & about for almost an hour and I was in heaven. The car ran beautifully! I let Tom drive it and he was impressed with the way she rides and performs. During our ride back to the garage we passed by a Ricer shop that had about 7 guys hanging with their Hondas & Mitsu's...and I couldn't control myself. I did something VERY stupid...dangerous..... and irresponsible: I lit `em up. Nothing too insane, just enough to make some GOOOOOOD noise. Pulled 2nd, 3rd, and by 4th I was out of road. And delirious with happiness.

But man.... I wanted a cigarette and a sandwich afterwards. =P~
hell yeah man! hey, you may not have done the right thing, but i think in that situation it was as right as you can get....way to enjoy that fine mopar of yours and have fun clockin on lots more miles of fun (with less burnt rubber obviously...not lol)
I guess I was postig a reply to your other post,mentioning to go cruisin.Man that was quick(I bet that,s what the ricer guys were sayin)Congrats!!Now go get the rubber off those 1/4,s HAHA!!!