What Do Think Cerebus Should Do To Help Set Chrysler Apart From The Dogs.....

Y'all know what the definition of status is???
Spending money you don't have on **** you don't need to impress people you don't care about!
It feels good to get to a point in my life where I can afford these things, if I only have enough brain cells left to learn how to work on them and keep them up.
I will readily admit, however, that if it was made easy, I would probably take the easy road....providing I could afford it of course.
Well I was a Chryler employee until recently. I used my employee discount to lease vehicles. Last year I brought back my lease, a Dodge RAM hemi. It was a great truck, but the gas mileage sucked bad. I decided to go with a car. I can tell you there aren't really many choices at Chrysler.

I was pissed (like most of you) that the Charger was resurrected as a 4 door in the beginning. It looked nothing like its old self. BUT I took one for a drive & was hooked. I ended up with an RT with R&T. It has to be the best (new) cars I've ever had easily. The performance is decent too. So Chrysler actually got it right had they used another name on it.

That said I love my Barracuda, but I can't/won't drive it every day.

It'll be very interesting to see where Cerberus takes Chrysler.
If the challenger doesnt make some real money its first two years, i can see it going the way of the GTO.

I still think they should call the 4dr charger the Polara, (but i guess thats too close to polaris)

Caliber is just right. They need a car like it too keep up with the rest of the dogs. That said i think they need a car even smaller to compete with the aveo.

Gotta admit, dont really love the looks of any new car, but my neon gets me back and forth to work nicely, even in bad snow (which i try not to go out in). That said ill drive my neon until the wheels fall off, because its now payed off and my old car payment will go towards my 64 dart (and any trouble i might have with the neon later).

Realistically, im really worried about Chrysler now that this idiot is in charge. I think we might even fall further down the list on sales. sad.
If Chrysler is going to succeed, it will have to build vehicles that will appeal to the masses; that means efficient, reliable vehicles.

bingo..... and affordable..... its not rocket science on how to this.... i'm sure they can do it but will they.... the challenger is cool and needed in my opinion but they need to build something that apeals to the young guy looking for basic transportation and gas mileage all the way to the money bag dude that wants every option in the book....