What do you do for a living?



Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2005
Reaction score
Las Cruces NM
I have been visiting this website for over 3yrs now, reading day in day out all the posts. I work offshore in the commercial diving industry as a Lead Saturation Tech, no more diving for me. So saying that this websites and a few others are my connection to land and the real world. So I am intrested to hear what others who are Mopar A-bodie fans do for a living?
For over 30 years I repaired electric motors. I rewound my 1st one when I was 12 years old. Now for the last 8 years I repair motors, boilers and A/C....................Steve
For over 30 years I repaired electric motors. I rewound my 1st one when I was 12 years old. Now for the last 8 years I repair motors, boilers and A/C....................Steve

I use to work with allot of motors, AC and DC generators, I was a Aerospace Craftsman for 6.5yrs for the USAF. Still to this day I enjoy emensly working with electricity and electrical applications, if I could go back 10yrs I would change my college education to electrical engineering!
Hit man....

Seriously, I'm a technician for Infiniti.
Auto Technician, otherwsie known as a mechanic.

Right now though, I'm a stay-at-home-dad... :binky:
Im a drain surgeon aka plumber. Been with the same company for 26 years.worked my way up from on the shovel to area manager over 5 superintendents.
I have been an Import Tech (mechanic) since '73 and own my own shop since 89,with few breaks (for sanity) and have been a Cryogenic Tempering Engineer, Web Designer, British bike shop mechanic/owner, went to school for programming, and now have gone full circle and am back to running my own garage again.... oh yea and I am partially retired...LOL
I work for Union Pacific Rail Road as a thru freight conductor. I have been railroading since I got out of high school in 01'.
Right now I work as a shipper/driver for a custom shower door company in south Seattle. I have also owned an auto appraisal company working for and against insurance companies and for private parties since I graduated high school in 98.
Lately I have been getting the itch to shitcan the shipping job and find something better. The appraisals are great money but have always been a side job because you never know when you will work. You can get zero calls in a week or 500 calls in a week.
I'm a Commercial Kitchen Fire Technician. Or as my business card says "Service Technician". Nothing says living like standing over a hotazz deep fryer while they are cookin. I don't eat out at restaurants that much anymore. After seeing what's behind the doors to the kitchen. EWWW!!
Last week my wife informed me that I'm a bum. Spend all my time in the garage. Took her to the Dairy Queen, in the Duster, for a Blizzard. Now I'm a nice bum. Really I'm a landlord and parking lot attendant for about 10 days a year, unless we get playoff games, then its 11 or 12 days a year.
General Contractor. I mostly do custom interior finish work (flooring, trim, electrical, plumbing, cabinetry, stonework) but still spend time doing rough in. And after 20+ years of doing construction work I'm not ashamed to say that I am the last guy on a job you will see pick up a shovel!! :bootysha:
I've done everything from cashier to pizza driver to making windows to auto mechanic.

Right now and for most of the last 5 years I'm a dental lab technician; I make/repair full dentures, partials and whatnot. I get to play with acrylic and metal.... it's not too bad.

I'd like to start my own business someday, maybe towing.... I like car stuff, tinkering, relaxed schedules :D
Geez which decade.... LOL Currently answer 911 and teach part of an academy at a local college. Was in radio broadcasting for many years and a technician before that.... soloed in aircraft at age 17.... just love the variety life offers!
currently I work as a counter man (parts) for subaru but when I am done with school I will become an auto body technician. (body man)
I worked as an auto technician for years until a car wreck trashed my back. now i work as a counter man and do side work building and repairing hot rods for friends and family.