What do you guys think of this color?

Firemist Lime #2901:
the color on that viper and that junky chevy look identical to me...
Firemist Lime #2901:

NICE!!! And probably about 1/3 the price for the base coat....

You could also try Eastwood's Gasser Green. You can find it on ebay or their website. It can be ordered as a single stage or a basecoat.

Matter of fact maybe my next Duster will be going this color instead...

My cousin, who is painting the car, just got the 2010 OEM Paintchip catalog. I really like the Synergy Green. He says it uses a lot of powder. It has a nice fine metallic look. In person it is very similar to Firemist lime posted above
I'm not a green fan, but have seen a green Viper and it looked good.

The green on the camaro looks like a color they had in the 60's, it might look OK too, but have not seen it.

Now there is a guy here in Indy that has a 74 dart Swinger that is painted candy apple green. I got a picture somewhere. I kind of like it.

found it


Best to paint it a color you like, and hope you like it on the car.

mine is painted Pearl white off a 99 Town & Country van. Liked it on the van, love it on my car
