What to do about my firewall?



Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2010
Reaction score
Fairfield, CT
Well gang once again I need to tap into the great wealth of knowledge at forabodiesonly . To make a long story short a mechanic who obviously knows very little about Darts trying to help me out created a problem. I had to have my voltage regulator replaced because the old one had crapped out. Instead of checking with me first. This *** clown drills two holes in my firewall to remount my voltage regulator. He did this because the original holes holding the old voltage regulator were at one time opened up to accomodate larger bolts not being able to use the correct firewall bolts for the regulator. So what I want to do is plug the new holes. Move the regulator back to the original spot and find some way to use the smaller original bolts for the regulator. I can't helicoil the firewall because it isn't thick enough and I don't want to but the bolts through and anchor them with nuts behind the firewall too difficult. Is there any type of fastener that I could put into the oversided holes that would grab the smaller bolts and lock onto them?

i used a steel like nut-cert thing on my fiberglass wing. my wing was very thin. The metal nut thing is like a inch long. You push it into the hole and tighten it up it expands the back side... almost works like a pop rivet. Local hardware store will have them
you could epoxy a nut or use an expanding plastic anchor check your local body supply store for one with a minimal exterior so that the bolt mounting tab on the regulator covers it
Thanks everyone for the suggestions. What exactly is a nut cert?

If you look at it from the side it is shaped like a letter T it is threaded internally and when you put it in the hole and tighten it it wrinkles and pulls up to the back of the hole to hold it in. Also called a blind nut.
you can try and find a rivet nut that will work or weld up the holes and start over. The PO of my car had 2 large holes cut for a/c. I welded in discs and closed them up.