what to do with rabbits in the garden



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Aug 24, 2009
Reaction score
Corinth, Ky.
for those of you who has a garden, I have a problem with rabbits. I am not a farmer either. This is the second year we put out a small garden. I fenced it last year to keep the deer out. No problems because we had 8 pygmy goats as pets right next to the garden in another fenced area and I think they kinda kept them away. But my wife decided to get rid of them end of last year and this year we have a problem. Planted tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini and beans. The beans came up and with all the car stuff and rain, didn't get a chance to dust them yet. Rabbits have been running around here and my wife, being an animal lover wouldn't let me shoot them. So we got up this morning and decided to go dust them and put out some pie pans on a stick and when we got to the garden, they had ate every bean bush in the garden and also ate every cucumber plant down to the ground. We were pissed and momma said now I can target practice. But does any body have had this problem before and what did you use. I have tried dog hair in the past and dog urine around the perimeter and that didn't work either. I was thinking of spreading lime on the ground.
the rabbit trap .....then enjoy fresh rabbit stew, rabbit jerky, rabbit sandwich....hey you didn't shoot them. :smile:


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rabbits used to chew on my spark plug wires and make a mess.

ever since I got my cat (my buddy) I have not seen a single rabbit around here.


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well, rabbit are out of season for eating them. cat costs too much to feed. Box trap, yeah but I would still either have to kill them or let them loose when I caught them. I was a marksman back when I was in Vietnam so I still like the target practice idea the best so far. But I was wondering is there anything to put in or around the garden to keep them from going in it. I really don't like to kill animals. would rather they just keep on going.
chickenwire fence around the garden, buried down to a depth of about 1 or 1 1/2 feet.

if you just put a fence they go under.
be my luck the dam cat would stay around the house and not go down to the garden area.
I have chicken wire around it but it isn't buried. I found a couple of places where they went under it. I think it is turning into a game with them and they are winning at the moment.
be my luck the dam cat would stay around the house and not go down to the garden area.

people don't realize that you can train a cat just like a dog.

When I whistle my cat shows up, when I snap my finger in a particular order he knows its dinner time. I even taught him to roll over and shake hands.

when I tell him to go lay down he goes to the backseat of a project dart where he lives.

Cats are extremely patterned and they get into a routine and do the same things at the same places everyday.

most people don't realize you can train them to do exactly what you want.
well, rabbit are out of season for eating them. cat costs too much to feed.

I think your missing the point, don't overfeed the cat and he will prove you wrong the season statement...both parts actually :cheers:
Metal Harbor Freight animal traps are good and pretty cheap. I do the catch and release on most wild animals. I get mainly racoons then take them out in a non-populated area where there is water/food around and let them go.
I use a gun. We were overrun with them. One night with a flashlight did the trick. Never did get a count but think it had to be close to a hundred.
I use a gun. We were overrun with them. One night with a flashlight did the trick. Never did get a count but think it had to be close to a hundred.

All that does is population control because they reproduce like .. We'll rabbits.

Me. I have a major Smurf problem in my garden. Over run with the little blue bastards.

They hide all day and keep me up half the night with their singing.
Yep you got to keep on them and the rats and the mice and the gophers and the bugs and the birds....... lol

I am shocked we get any thing out of the garden. Fully in closed is the way to go. I got sides all on dug down deep so they have a hard time digging under. Got to put a top on next.

The squirrels are the worst around here. I got some guys on it though.


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go to your local hunting store, and ask for "Fox Piss" and then take that container and spread it "LIGHTLY" around the OUTSIDE of the fence to your garden.....

We humans can not "smell" it if done lightly BUT the rabbits will and so will every other "Thief" to your garden and ward them away! Fox, are predators so. Rabbits are prey....

Costs about $7 or so.....And one bottle should last a couple years if done right lightly around the outside edges of the garden!

Yep you got to keep on them and the rats and the mice and the gophers and the bugs and the birds....... lol

I am shocked we get any thing out of the garden. Fully in closed is the way to go. I got sides all on dug down deep so they have a hard time digging under. Got to put a top on next.

The squirrels are the worst around here. I got some guys on it though.

Any chance they are for hire mercenaries. Great pic it takes a lot to make me laugh but you succeeded.
Yea....I would lure them in so there is more meat for the stew. Yum.
You can buy veggy's at the market but not Rabbit.
Cheapest way is to go out when you need to pee and pee a perimeter around the garden.
Cheapest way is to go out when you need to pee and pee a perimeter around the garden.

Then the neighbors call the cops because thier Grandaughter saw you and now you have a sex crime conviction. :D
I've shot and eaten plenty. Most times more just show up! We put a "fido shok" hotwire box and a wire around the garden 4" high and......no more problems.