What tool do you hate the most?

The Weed Wacker-covers you in grass and I have 3 acrers of total joy.

I'm glad I'm not the only one with alot of grass. If I cover mine and my grandmothers (next door) its almost 5 acrers total. Some times I wish for a house in the "burbs", but then I read all of the leaf blower stories about someones neighbor and I'm glad I don't. My closest neighbor is about 500 yards away and its my grandma.
A rental floor sander...Can NEVER get a decent finish with one.

Pretty much ANY rental tool...you're always trying to use something that someone else has already ABUSED.

I can't believe a wheelbarrow didn't even get mentioned. (Mexican dumptruck)

A sawzall. That sound on a jobsite can only mean one of two things. Either someone has screwed something up and is tearing it out to redo it. Or someone is really screwing up something else that I'M gonna hafta fix.
Mexican Backhoe (shovel). The only thing worst than unloading the truck is loading the truck...

Breaking concrete with a tamp bar is a close second.

And as previously mentioned, there are some pretty dastardly contraptions used on aircraft.
Breaking concrete with a tamp bar is a close second.

This brought back memories of working concrete in Chicago. It wasn't the worst job I ever had but it was most certainly the most back breaking. We had a couple jobs replacing sidewalks and needless to say, we had to bust it up first with tamp bars.

We also were pouring floors in a new 3 story condo being built. No concrete pump. We had to hump the concrete in wheelbarrows up ramps made of 2x12's. Since I was the new guy, the mixer operator used to fill my freakin' barrow to the brim and top it off like an ice-cream cone. The rule was first one to dump a barrow not only has to clean it up but buy the crew a case of beer.
This brought back memories of working concrete in Chicago. It wasn't the worst job I ever had but it was most certainly the most back breaking. We had a couple jobs replacing sidewalks and needless to say, we had to bust it up first with tamp bars.

We also were pouring floors in a new 3 story condo being built. No concrete pump. We had to hump the concrete in wheelbarrows up ramps made of 2x12's. Since I was the new guy, the mixer operator used to fill my freakin' barrow to the brim and top it off like an ice-cream cone. The rule was first one to dump a barrow not only has to clean it up but buy the crew a case of beer.

And how many cases of beer did you buy? lol
Not sure what the technical name is but it's got a screwdriver handle and a hooked pick end, read (Sharp)! It never fails to slip off and puncture my hand or fingers !
I just got an email from my brother last night. My father, who's not quite all there, emptied the cat's litter box...full of clumping litter...right into the toilet, and flushed. Yeah...no plunger on earth can fix that.

Tell your father to switch to Feline Pine Scoopable...it is finely ground, steam-cleaned sawdust and you can flush huge clumps of it down the crapper.

I had two cats with kidney failure that were on fluid therapy (I gave them an I.V. Sub-Q twice a day). With all the fluids I gave them plus they weren't able to concentrate their urine, trust me...they produced a LOT of pee.

If it plugs up, let the clump sit for awhile then try flushing it. If there is a huge amount of sawdust litter in the toilet, it will eventually go down if you flush enough times. The sawdust clumps break up in water while clay litter turns to cement.
Leaf Vacuums. We have one at work that weighs close to 500 pounds and everyday during leaf season we have to lift that SOB up to about 4' off the ground and slide it into a receiver on the back of an F-450 about 8 times a day. That damn thing is HEAVY!