What would you do? I need honest answers here

The lady at the UPS shipper here in town go's nuts and will not ship to Canada. To much paperwork for her. That leaves me only 1 other option and that is USPS. I live in small town America and that is all that's available here.
As has been said before Seller needs to pony up and fix this by shipping the parts USPS or refunding all the money including shipping.
Me, I like to sleep well and soundly at night. If I were the seller, I would own up to having ignored (or failed to pay attention to) my buyer's shipping instructions, and if the parts were returned to me I would refund the buyer in full.

I agree totally on that one.I here ya Steve on the ups thing,I once ordered a stripe kit for my Roadrunner from year one not knowing of fees like that well the brown suite witch is a friend of mine shows up and say 100 bucks Don:angry7: I had no choice but to pay,but you have a grievance here its up to him to make good or you have to fork out 65 bucks,you need a few loonies to help out?
Hey Scott you owe me for a roll of shipping tape that I forgot to add on the shipping

Just kidding
Broker fees are broker fees, that's a load of ****. There is a 100% total discrepancy between U.P.S brokerage fees and every other courier that has items passing through the border. I always specific before hand inregards to the shipping and if U.P.S is anywhere in the equation then the transaction goes no further, end of story.
broker fees are broker fees .... sucks but thats the majority of the problem when shipping across the border.

You paid the shipping.... it was sent. (mind you not how you wanted it sent maybe a spelling mistake?, but it was sent)
The broker fees are your baby. The price of cross border shopping.

Totally disagree, lets say you order a car to be shipped via a tilt and load....then it shows up in a covered car hauler by Hansens and its 3 times the price??? What then?? Too f'n bad when I request something to be shipped a certain way then its up to the seller to let me know something different. Maybe "shipping and handling" should have been represented instead of just "shipping". Price of cross-border shopping my ***!! If anyone wants something shipped a certain, no problem, or I will communicate with them. I just dbl checked my pm's and I spell USPS this way USPS!! Not ups Ups UPS....it's USPS! No spelling mistakes here, only mistake was buying whom I bought from!!

Pettyblu, your $118 in shipping for 2 seats is a good deal. I have $42 plus another $65. So $107 for 2 carbs??
Yep $65 is broker fees, but if and when Canada Post hits us with broker fees they are minimal and I have no problem paying broker fees to Canada Post.
maybe he does not know how to read too well, and maybe confused the ups with the usps. i just witin the last 2 years realized they are two different entities.lol.

It is a possibility that he actually did know know USPS means the post office.
Ah yea, another tough day at the shop! It sounds like the seller is saying, piss off, you want your parts, pay the broke fees and move on. Now it's your choice, you can lose on your original investment or anti up the fees and move on. Is it right? Probably not, going by your storey. Bite the bullet on this one! Now you know not to deal with this individual and should let others know who it is. By laying out the emails for medicinal purposes you may save others from this type deal.
Bottom line, be as pissed as you want, you chose how much to lose.

good luck!
I am on the buyers side on this one. He specifically requested USPS. What's so difficult about that? I think if the seller was too lazy to pack, he was probably too lazy to ship correctly.

How did you pay? If by credit card or paypal, dispute the charges. All of the charges.
Thanks guys/gals, I think common sense should rule here, but obviously it doesnt. The seller/***-clown is yellow68runner, here is the thread I started, I can start including the pm's but I will leave that for now. He sent a pm this morning saying that I was SOL!! So $192 down the drain
Buyer beware of yellow68runner!!! Heres the new thread
Or maybe start a buyers unite thread! I realize not all members read all threads, but hasnt there been enough threads started on shipping?? Especially when I say USPS???

you'd think..

all I know is...
ya told him how you wanted to ship it.
and it sounds like he's f'n u off.
.... thats no good.

I recently bought something for the 1st time on here and so far it's been good, can't wait to get my tail lights.=P~
I would expect my money back for the part and be prepared to lose the shipping money. Or I would have just paid the additional money if I really wanted the shipment. Not everybody is a shipping pro and communication is simply an art in with each individal will interpet differently dispite if it is in black and white. I deal with this every day with employees. LOL...
Did you pay through PayPal?If so cancel the transaction.

I did paypal, but I marked as "gift" and I ask buyers from me do the same thing, it saves the fees. So he saved the paypal fees and I paid them as well....when you do that you have no recourse to file a dispute!!
I marked as "gift" and I ask buyers from me do the same thing, it saves the fees.

Not reliably, it doesn't; CBSA know the difference between chicken ѕalad and chicken ѕhit—and they have a tendency to come down hard (and expensively) on those who try to do an end-run around import duties with phony "gift" declarations.

when you do that you have no recourse to file a dispute!!

That too.
it was called a "drop and ship" or something like that.

The term is "dropship". It means the person you deal with as the seller does not actually pack and ship the item(s) you buy. He transmits your order information—what's to be packed, how it's to be shipped, where, with what insurance, and how quickly—to another party who packs and ships the order. That other party might be a warehouse manager or a formal or informal assistant. It's a perfectly common arrangement, nothing shady or unusual about it; I dropship most of the automotive lighting upgrade equipment orders I receive. I pay my warehouse managers and they do a very good job. There have been very few problems over many years. Occasionally there is a problem caused by miscommunication or other human error; in that case the customer squawks and it's my job to make it right. Making it right might mean quickly shipping out whatever component might've been left out of a shipment, or quickly shipping out the right part when the wrong one's been sent (together with a call tag so the buyer can return the wrong part without cost or hassle), or might involve issuing a partial refund to the buyer—as for example when the buyer requests and pays for expedited shipping and that's what I specify in my warehouse requisition, but the message doesn't get thru to the shipping department and it goes by regular ground service. Really, there's no dropship-related problem that cannot be quickly and easily solved by a standup seller.
Lets see...you offer parts up for sale, fully knowing that the parts will need to be shipped, but when it comes to shipping them you're not a "pro"??? Or you squack about filling out some customs paperwork??? And this being about 2 carbs, you can't pack them yourself and follow simple instructions?? And it's the buyers fault and he is SOL??? C'mon, shipping items is not rocket science and anybody that agrees to ship out of country should know all of the rules and regulations regarding size and weight restrictions and the best way to send items to out of country buyers. I routinely ship items to buyers all over the world and never have I had to tell a buyer that he was SOL because I was too stupid to follow instructions or research shipping methods and restrictions. Heres an idea for ya there yellow...ASK!!! Is is so hard to post a thread here on FABO asking what the best method is to ship an item to Canada. Heck, even the aforementioned bareassed monkey could've answered that!!! Yea, you'll probably be SOL because this idiot will not man up and do the right thing and refund all of your money to make a customer happy. But, the good news is that with this thread, all of the good people here will be aware of his methods and he'll never sell another item here. Not to me at least!!! Hope the Mods cap his well and he finds some new friends... on the For Chevy A**clowns Only site!!! Oh, and sell the Roadrunner, you don't deserve it!!! JMO, Geof
within a minute of me paying thru paypal, I pm'd him to let him know he rec'd payment and please ship via USPS, as well as get me a tr#. That was Nov 24. It wasnt like a week later I asked for USPS.For me when I sell parts, most of the time I get a tr#. If its something small(small packet) there is no tr#, BUT there is automatic $100 insurance. It's 2 carbs for crying out loud. Time to take in some weekend workshops there at the arts'n'craft store I would say! You can pack it alright!!
Just go to the home page and there is a list of everybody logged in on the left. Geof