what would you do?

Def did the right thing.

I had to do something similar in the work place when I was 20. I was working the night shift with 8 other individuals and recently hired this older German gentleman. One particular night you could smell the liquor from about 5ft away or so....to top it off he was running around on the forklift.
I told my supervisor and he had security come down...one of which was a former County K-9 Sheriff and happened to be my neighbor.lol.
They breathalyzed him on the premises and he blew a little over a .200!!!!
Yeah, and this guy was driving around behind us as we're welding on a forklift!!

He ended up getting fired because of it and I had a couple coworkers mad at me for it but when they confronted me I painted a pretty picture of them getting run through from the back by a set of forks....they got over it pretty quick, lol.