What's Fair is Fair



Well-Known Member
May 23, 2004
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Moonachie, N.J.
Over the last 2 years I have put a lot of time and a LOT of money into my car. I have a great wife(Mary) of 26 years this july. My wife has been supportive in everyway. She said from the beginning do everything you have too and want to. So I did. Tens of thousands of dollars later I'm in real good shape, :D and very proud of my Swinger. Now like I said whats fair is fair. Now I'm working on the house, painting outside, re-doing laundry room, bathroom, front garden, and possibly new walk way, and or paivers. The car sits in garage most weekends now, while I work on house. What's fair is fair. I know there will be time to drive, and race. I'm in no way complaining, just wondering if any others out there with simular trade offs
No trade off's for me! :D I'm single and sink most of my money into my cars. :thumleft: My brother is like you though he puts alot of money in his cars and also puts alot of money into his house for his family.And he bought his wife a new Jeep Cherokee last summer.
It's similar for me. I built this 2700 sq. ft. palace that the 2 of us live in. That almost killed me. Five months to draw and finalize the plans and then 10 months of working 5 days a week and then working on the house until midnight during the week and 14 hour days on the weekend. Then it didn't stop. There's all this landscaping to do. I finally finished that and now it's my turn if I can ever get this garage finished. The Demon is waiting for me though.


Hey wait a minute!..........Whew!!!!!OK, I checked, I still have a car in the garage too!

I'll see all your house work and raise you an acre and a half lot, one 7 year old and 3 year old twins (all girls by the way)....LOL

I know the feeling, it seems that summer is when all that stuff takes over your life. Like my wife tells me, be happy you have what you have and be proud that you have the ability and skills to do the work, as many people wish for the things we take for granted.
If I ever get married I hope its to a woman thats as great as the ones alot of you have :thumleft: If I ever get a wife that lets me keep and play with my cars, I would definately do whatever it takes to keep her happy :wink: And if she happens to like cars too, Bonus :cheers:

Sounds like your wife is a smart woman. Must be to be with you, right. :wink: I've got one of those to. I'm lucky as far as the kids go. All 6 of them have moved out on their own. That's why I can build the car. LOL

like i said i was not complaining. some of my friends have wives that are sending them too the poorhouse, with cloths, new furniture, new cars, jewelry . too high maintainence. us car guys are lucky when we find a woman who understands. or is it they prefer us home in the garage instead of out in the bars :scratch: . 3 cheers too all the good supportive wives out there :salut: .
I'm also one of the lucky ones. I've been married to Pat for 30yrs and she always gave me a lot of lattitude; I went through many interests during our time together, choppers, golf, scuba diving, flying, wood working, 3 career changes, and drinking and "other stuff". Nowadays, if I'm not busy cleaning up after my two 11month old Golden pups, she knows she can always find me in the garage working on the Cuda.
Come to think of it.....she deserves at least that trip to Hawaii she has always wanted.

Yea I'm one of the lucky ones too, 13 years in July. She let's me buy all the tools & parts I want or need without question. She is glad that we are down to 5 vehicles now, but since the kids are grown they both will take one with them. Then I'm just gonna have to get another. I've got my eye on a late 50's Dodge truck down the road. :D
I could go for that trip to Hawaii too, and do a little scuba!
Let me know if you decide to come to the island, I'd love to take you and the wife to dinner :sunny: Hopefully I'll be on the island at the time :roll: