What's the deal with Allpar??



Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2007
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First let me say that I love ForAbodiesOnly.com! Everyone I have spoken with here has been friendly, generous with information and has really excellent taste in cars. :D

Allpar.com on the other hand is downright chilly. It seems like there is a general competition for who can be the biggest know-it-all...and one moderator in particular is downright rude...when mildly challenged on his rudeness, he is swift to delete your post, respond with public nasty-grams and give warnings that add up to temporary bannings (don't ask how I know!)...

...and I was even privately contacted by other forum members who wanted to complain and vent about their run-ins with this tyrant. I just don't get it!

I'm just not the type who causes trouble on internet forums...at least I didn't think so!

Do any of you guys frequent the site? Is my first impression unfair? There is definitely a ton of great Mopar information on there...
You have know it alls everywhere-in fact most people frequent lots of different sites.Just pick a site and lots of people on FABO are on there too.
Yeah, actually they do. Oddly enough, they have less then half the posts we do here at FABO but deal with all mopar and started 4 years before FABO did. :)
Yeah, actually they do. Oddly enough, they have less then half the posts we do here at FABO but deal with all mopar and started 4 years before FABO did. :)
Perhaps that is because memike is not a member there?
Wouldn't want to share Memike with Allpar would you?
downright chilly. ........................competition for who can be the biggest know-it-all...and one moderator in particular is downright rude...................... he is swift to delete your post, respond with public nasty-grams and give warnings that add up to temporary bannings (don't ask how I know!)......

Hell, I thought you were talkin about Moparts!!!!
thats how C-body dry-dock is .....a bunch of smart-asses with one mod ....and although the mod is good intentioned....he sides with with senior members and ppl he knows personally and that creates a "buddy system"

your best staying with F?BO network ....Mr. Joey has heard me say it before .....he knows how to run a site fairly and efficiently with a team of mods who can help determine whats fair bcoz there is no way that one person has all the answers all the time.
When I was frequenting the Buell sites, Badweb was like that. It was all a competition to see who could get the most parts, the rarest parts, the most signatures from EB, the most face time with EB, etc. etc. blah blah blah. It was the same questions being posed every week, and the thirty replies all saying the same (usually wrong) thing.

I usually have my head up my *** but I couldn't compete with those guys, they really got it up in there. I bailed, and I must admit, FABO is the most chill site I've ever trolled.
I've been doing tech for 10 plus years now. Started at moparts when it was a smaller site and much more fun/supportive. I still spend a little time there, but out and out the best sites in terms of moderators and quality participants are those affiliated with Joey C. and no - I'm not a paid spokesperson...lol. This is the only site I've contributed to in terms of financial too.
thats how C-body dry-dock is

That's news to me. I have never had a problem or been given any attitude there and I'm not a high post guy. I must admit that I have been a member there since the old BBS but I'm pretty sure no one on there evens knows that!

As for forums and know-it-alls, you will find them everywhere. It doesn't matter what subject the forum is about as there is always someone who thinks they know better than you and try to push you down. I say don't worry about it and just move on. Life is too short to get worked up about what the a$$holes say and do.