Whats with people!!



Well-Known Member
May 26, 2009
Reaction score
Long island, New York
This is a rant.

anyway today me and my dad are painting this "overhang" that extends off our garage. so this guy comes up my driveway which mind you is rather long. I think you could fit 5-7 cars bumper to bumper on it. anyway he is asking for 3 dollars for gas, he is also claiming he lives on our road.... first of all i have never seen you ever! second of all why do you need gas money if your home! he claims his ex girlfriend drained his debit card! well dude call your bank and say it was stolen! then this dude is asking for some weed! your asking for gas money then your asking for weed? WTF! Well we figured he was scoping the place out as we had 2 motorcycles out, a pitbike and commercial mower. instead of painting we spend 2 hours putting our stuff away and locking it up so this loser wouldn't come back and steal it! we still got some painting done but It really pisses me off where this neighborhood is going.



all our **** on the lawn, 2 motor cycles, 1 pitbike, 1 commercial mower, 2 bicycles ready to be stolen...

what we had done after locking everything up.

end rant!
Maybe he just wanted to sniff some paint...LOL
The picture of your carport reminds me of my friends house whose neighborhood turned for the worst.He put up a privacy fence right up to the carport and a garage roll up door in front of the carport from the street it looked like an enclosed garage !!!
It's the only place I have to work on my car. If drug addicts are coming up to me all the time i might have to put a privacy shade/door up.
We live in an age where more and more people feel entitled to more and more. It shocked me when I first moved to Dayton, that people would knock on your window in a McDonald's drive through asking for money. A very sad day in age we live in.
As much as I hate "NO Trespassing" signs, you should put one up. These people are looking for stuff to take and sell for drugs.

Put up that sign and plant an axe handle in the teeth of your next visitor.
I have no issue with "No trespassing" signs. One of the rights of a property owner is deciding who can enter his property, and when.
All the more reason for a CCW. He could have been carrying a weapon and would have caught you by surprise. It's getting to be a common thing all over the country now where people are being assaulted in broad daylight. A friend of mine carrys his weapon all the time now when he is outside his house mowing the lawn or working on the car...anything! Better to be prepared than beaten and robbed or worse. I don't have a long driveway and I live in the city so my garage door is never open more than a foot or two. Losers walking by the house can't see very well what's in the garage to come back and steal. Sad that it has to be this way now, but the courts give most a slap on the hand and turn them lose so it's no big deal to them if they do get caught.
:wack:In your case your best bet is to put up no tresspassing signs or beware of dog. Maybe they will think twice about traveling up your long driveway. I know how your state frowns on guns. We are fortunate here to have the castle law bill. It sucks that you have to lock down your own sh@t on your property from a possible thieving a$$hole. Always have one of the guns within arms reach. Today it doesnt matter where you live thieves don't discriminate.
Well, if he was someone I didn't recognize walking up to my house asking for money, within 5 seconds I would have told him "get the f!ck out of here, and don't come back, you could get hurt".

I don't have a problem with "no trespassing" signs. Not sure what that was about. I suppose in the socialist's mind, everyone owns everything equally....
I definately agree with you guy's on this....... well I don't know if you can call them people or not, just thug's to me, but we have a farm gate next to the house garage and you cannot drive around it because of tree's lined next to the driveway leading down to the shop. It can be kind of a PITA to manage when the weather is bad, but does the trick anyhow. As far as people coming here, we usually have them call first, just easier that way. And last but not least...... there is a male pitbull that is next to the shop drive, that can hear you as soon as you hit the driveway. The dog is over a 100 lbs for sure..... dont think he would bite, (not a huge fan of dog's that do bite) but we have him on a large tow chain and had to make him a custom swivel out of 1/4" plate steel, because he broke everything you could purchase anywhere on the market. Been here for 27 year's, never a major problem. I'm sure if there was a problem,you've heard of the band 38 special........ but it won't be play'in on the radio, it will sing a tune of it's own! (Krazykuda) Karl has been here and loved it, and we had a good time BSing! Good luck to you guy's keeping people off your property! Dodge33
you can borrow one of my 140lbs german shepherd for the day while you are working on you car, he won't let any one near you
Ya I had a similar story since I work out of one of those "pop up garages" there was a guy that kept asking me again and again for metal. I was dumb and folding the doors open and he seen the car. Sure enough a week later I am missing car parts :| It took me few hours after that to unload all I had in garage into the house
i would spend a nite or 2 there and when he broke in he would get a Tball bat on the forehead when he came through the door... theres nothing like a good old fashion hair parting
I'd hand the guy a brush and have him earn some money while he watched me pack away my toys.
This is why we are going to fence in our parcel and let the dogs wander. We seldom, and I do mean seldom, have any one down here that does not live here. And damn near everyone is carrying a firearm, so things like this are kind of rare up here....Do what you need to do to make sure that everything is yours stays that way.
Ya I know all about it. I stopped by Walgreens..(a drug store in florida), and when I walked out to my truck, he approached me asking for money. I told him I only use plastic. He then told me where to find a a.t.m to get money out for him..Oh ya he just got out of jail too he said...The nerve of some people.
Time for a German Shepherd.

our dog is part pitbull, she didn't like this guy very much.

it is on L.I.

is that a CB550?

Its a yamaha xs400. It is on the road, I drove it last summer a bunch the 9 grand redline is fun but the bike is a bit slow. the headgasket weeps a bit and the tires are dryrotted. I really would love to work on the bike but i don't have the money rite now.
He was casin the joint. I just had somebody come up here where we are and take ONLY a 5 gallon can full of gas. Now, understand, we're 500 + feet off the road with woods between us and the road. It's ok though cause I got cameras everywhere. LOL We know exactly who it was. We got kids that ride dirt bikes on one side of us and it was them. I already mailed a DVD of them to their pop, who I get along well with. He called me up and thanked me profusely and bought me another gas can full and said he made them sit down and watch it like it was a new movie ha had gotten. He told me if they do it again to call the Sheriff's department and press charges.
Drug seekers have no boundaries.

I suggest Keeping a side arm handy, and would definitely notify my neighbors especially the ones who may be vulnerable or in the case of some neighbors too trusting and naive.

Probably a good idea to notify the local police if you ever see this guy around.

Another idea is to keep a small digital,camera with you and blatantly tell,him you are taking his picture and do it real quick before he has a chance to turn around since tweakers don't like having their pictures taken and will probably get real offended, maybe even irate wich may give you the opportunity to take full advantage of the no trespass signs, the camera and the side arm all at the same time..LOL.