Wheel cylinder



Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2013
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I'm replacing the front right wheel cylinder on my 65 Barracuda, do I have to bleed the whole system or just the line to the wheel cylinder I replaced?
Can't hurt to blead the system.

If air gets to distro block it could get to rear or other side.
Unless the cylinders are slam rusted all to hell and back, I always rebuild them. It's way cheaper, plus, you're using MADE IN USA real Chrysler parts and not some total chinkesium cylinder made from the cheapest metallurgy on Earth. This is brakes we're talking about and no one makes anything made here anymore. The metallurgy of those new wheel cylinders is questionable at best. In fact, I would go so far as to look for a good used factory wheel cylinder to rebuild if mine were in need. Vehicle brakes are like airplane wings. If something happens to them, bad things are comin.
I've replaced all 4 but the right front seems to be not working properly
Describe "not working properly"

My mom's 65 mustang had ridges warn into the drum backing plates so bad they kept the shoes from moving correctly, causing pulling.

Dad had them welded up and machined flat and square, problem gone!