When is the best time to sell on eBay?



Life is an experiment
Mar 13, 2009
Reaction score
North Central Oklahoma
I have some parts laying around for Mopars that I am not going to use.

Would it be best to list the parts off the same car at the same time so I can combine shipping for the buyers?

I heard that PayPal issues are a big problem. Any experience with combining shipping and the signature confirmation issues?

I quit selling on eBay in 2002 so any input would be appreciated. I need to catch up to speed.

Oklacarcollecto: Try listing your parts here first like 65barracudadude said. You never know what people here might need. Another option is Craig's List.
i sell a bit on eBay, i used to sell 2-3g a month but have tapered off. partly due to work, mostly due to the new eBay fee's i figure between listing, selling and paypal fee's i lose 10% on average to eBay.

i have never noticed a day to end on that gets more traffic than others. i try to end mind around 6-7pm so the east coast guys dont have to stay up too late if they want to snipe.

try selling off eBay, if you get no action throw it on.
Undoubtedly, the best times to sell on Ebay are the winter months. It all starts off on Black Friday and continues to mid February, when most of the tax returns have dried up.
Come Summer, things get BLEAK. I only list on holidays. Save up all my good stuf to sell on July 4 and other holidays.
The big key to making your listing really garnish the most sales is TIMING. Your auctions must end on a Sunday Night. This is prime End bidding time 9-11pm. You can list your auctions on a 10 or 7 day rotation.

Yes, the wonder years on Ebay are over. Used to be, you could find some nice stuf, pretty it up and do pretty well. Then they decided to overmanage everything. :finga:

The downward spiral started when they began putting limits on how much u can sell each month. And if you got hit with a neg feedback, down went your monthly limit. :eek:ops:

That was all bearable until, of course, they had to get even more greedy and raise the selling rates. And the more you make, the more you lose.

And when you have a problem and have to talk to a rep...FORGET IT. :pale: You call up some outsourced Idiot for India who you cant understand. All the money Ebay makes and they outsource their Customer Service to India. What a Joke!!
We should call it bring dead posts back to life week!! Last two post I just read where over 3 years old?
Easier to sell on Craigslist and forums. I've had no issues with Paypal.

Enjoy the flakes thou, stick with "the first one with cash in my hand get's the part" mantra.
nothing wrong with reruns!!! we are running out of new topics!! LOL

feebay, stupidbay!???? yes they got greedy..... I buy a few parts off there IF starting price is below a "fair" price where I can bid... OR usually just look at ones with make an offer deal. I offer what I will pay, PERIOD. no haggling. just me....
Paypal works great, though I think it's a 3 % transaction fee for the seller. This is what the credit card companies get the sellers like "walmart". Ebay works great, and the only place you can sell certain collectables. They do charge about 9 %, like any auction. Even your local real estate auctions will charge a certain percent. So figure you will loose 12 % for fees to Ebay and Paypal. But I find many times I get 50 % more for the item, making the 12 % not a big concern. Also, for instance, I collect mopar dealership promotional model cars. I can't sell them at a garage sale for 20 bucks. I get their true value, often 200 to 300 dollars for them on ebay. But maybe for your car parts FABO might work, but your talking a few thousand vs a few million looking at your items.... you decide
My Wife and I made a good side income from E-Bay for a while until all the E-Bay Stores started opening up and our stuff got lost in the shuffle. I made enough parting a wrecked 73 Charger to pay a big bunch of the resto mod costs of my Grandsons Charger.I buy certain small items for my Dart off E-Bay but only if it's make an offer or buy it now.
I also end the bidding on Sunday night. People are home, and are paying attention. The fees suck, so sometimes I price the car I want to sell way up, so the sale doesn't happen. Invariably the bidders call, and buy later. That's fine too, as no FEES!
If Ebay had any brains, they would realize if you lower costs, more people would list their stuff. I read somewhere Ebay also owns the rights to Craigslist, as they want to control it as well. Anyone else hear that?