When it rains....



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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boulders fall out of the sky.....

Had a doctors appointment yesterday.....Asked how my sinus infection was doing while looking down my throat and at my ears...told him I still don't feel "right".....like I would know what that is, I have pretty much had this efing infection since 1995 or so....he handed me a script for another round of antibiotics....and orders for blood work. In the past the blood work orders have all fit on 1 page.....this one is 6 pages long....asked what was up with THAT and he told me nothing to worry about........yet....we will discuss it on my next visit, pending the results.....hmmmm.....never did get my yearly wizz test last year....wonder if it has anything to do with that?? Anyhow, get home and there is a puddle by our tankless water heater....took it apart, sure enough the heat exchanger is pissing.....again......every 3 years or so I need to put a new one in thanks to our some what hard water...bit over $400 last time I replaced it...would like to put an electric w/h in but I would need to pull wires for it...but there is a 2k pound safe in the way....which I can move but it takes a day or so...need to haul all the gun cases in, empty it, get it air born and then bring in the pallet jack...we will be starting on our new place here soon so I will just bite the bullet and get a new heat exchanger....Got on the treadmill for my hour of a brisk up hill walk....59 minutes into it the treadmill went from 4 mph to full speed...damn near threw me on my head...and then shut down....got in touch with my buddy I got it from, he quit the fitness equipment place.....so much for getting deeply discounted exercise equipment and repair parts...2014 is starting out with a bang.....
Dang the luck. Prayers for a good outcome from the tests.

Maybe you need this for when you are on the treadmill.....


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You need to carefully venture to the liquor store and treat yourself to a six pack.
:scratch::scratch::scratch:I'm still trying to figure out how the hell you were able to ask him how your sinus infection is coming along when he had your mouth open, while looking down your throat!!
You need to carefully venture to the liquor store and treat yourself to a six pack.
I put some fresh ones in the fridge last night.....
:scratch::scratch::scratch:I'm still trying to figure out how the hell you were able to ask him how your sinus infection is coming along when he had your mouth open, while looking down your throat!!
After being poked/prodded as much as I have been over the past couple of decades thanks to this infection it is a skill I learned :D

Just talked to Opie, the guy that used to get me discounts on the exercise junk....he said that it is more than likely the board fried in the treadmill. Looked last night, fuse holder was $12, fuse was $8 and the board is a bit under $100 on several different web sites that sell parts for it....After I hit the floor and caught my breath I told my wife we might need to get a video camera....must have been a hell of a site....my 255 pound fat a** trying to go from 4 mph to 15 or what ever it tops out at....in under a second.... :banghead:
After I hit the floor and caught my breath I told my wife we might need to get a video camera....must have been a hell of a site....my 255 pound fat a** trying to go from 4 mph to 15 or what ever it tops out at....in under a second.... :banghead:

Thats the ticket, I would pay a buck or two to see it. Any chance you would reenact? :) You could make a small fortune lol.

Seriously though, I hate it for you. This year isnt starting out to great here either, unfortunately.
:scratch::scratch::scratch:I'm still trying to figure out how the hell you were able to ask him how your sinus infection is coming along when he had your mouth open, while looking down your throat!!

By the color of the stuff draining down the back of your throat.
I have chronic sinusitis, so I feel your pain. Have you tried a steroid like Fluticasone? This will shrink your sinus tissues so at least you can breath through your nose.

Prayers sent your way man!
Got that freekin crap too. Amoxicillin and two shots yesterday and albuterol and good ol narcotic cough medicine.also mothrboard fried on the fridge and rider broke a belt this week.150. on amazon and i,m mowing and got cold beer again. Just too sick to want beer.
When I was in AZ in a 24 month period I was on anti-biotics for 18 months of it. A Pharmacist refused to fill a script. She gave me all sorts of info about how little anti-biotics actually do for a sinus infection....and how they kill all the bacteria in your gut. The last round knocked it down a lot, so I figured one more round. I will be going to see my ENT in the spring, I wake up with a crap load of congestion every day. Recently had my septum fixed and he made mention of burning out the bottom concha or what ever that thing is called. A doc I seen a while back has told me that he feels the real problem I have is a yeast imbalance in my head from all the anti-biotics I was on. When my sinus's get real bad my cheeks and fore head turn pink....sort of like they are now....Have been battling this crap since 1995 or so....

Thats the ticket, I would pay a buck or two to see it. Any chance you would reenact? :) You could make a small fortune lol.

Seriously though, I hate it for you. This year isnt starting out to great here either, unfortunately.

Might consider a reenactment for $5....Sorry to hear that your new year started out like mine...

I have chronic sinusitis, so I feel your pain. Have you tried a steroid like Fluticasone? This will shrink your sinus tissues so at least you can breath through your nose.

Prayers sent your way man!
I did try it once. Steroids and I don't see eye to eye....being bi-polar causes a problem with certain meds. Last time I tried a steroid I spent alot of time outside, staring at the stars at night to avoid fighting with the wife. I never had a problem when I lived in NJ. Moved to AZ and all hell broke loose. Docs have explained to me why....but that is a long story....

Got that freekin crap too. Amoxicillin and two shots yesterday and albuterol and good ol narcotic cough medicine.also mothrboard fried on the fridge and rider broke a belt this week.150. on amazon and i,m mowing and got cold beer again. Just too sick to want beer.

I am on amox-clav, 875 mg. Thing is gigantic. Luckily I am not coughing anymore. Cough is enough to drive you up a wall. Must be pretty damn sick if you don't want beer.....

Wife came home.....went to move her truck in the yard....it stalled....and the t-case is howling again.....think I am just going to go hide under a rock for a while....
Ordered the water heater part yesterday....$500 shipped. Lucked out on the treadmill. Stopped at the shop I got it from, they had one in there shop that they have been using for parts. Apparently the building it was in had a fire and it got wet. Fuse & holder for $5. Came home and lubed the deck replaced the fuse & holder and crossed my fingers. Good to go. Normally I lube the belt/deck every month. But thanks to the old belt becoming soaked with the lube and becoming slick I stopped. Normally when the belt/deck are dry the display will tell you service required soon, belt stopping in 5 seconds. Apparently from it being as dry as it was the amp draw exceeded the fuse, and thanks to the fuse being a slow-blow one it caused the board on it to go to full speed.
Going top replace the t-case in the Explorer today. I asked a couple of folks I know with lifts if I could use there lift a while back....but they found reasons to not let me use there lift so now I get to do this on my back....Should be fun considering I had a bicep tendon cut and I have very little strength in certain ranges of motion....
Damn, your having fun Doug! Notice the sarcasism. I had a severe in fection in my sinus' a few years back. Went on for months and the regular antibiotics didn't do much to help. My doctor finally put me on the same antibiotics you take when doing chemotherapy. They did the trick and killed the virus. The problem is they kill just about everything so your immune system is weakened when you take them. Most doctors won't give them out to freely just for that reason. May be worth a try.

After I hit the floor and caught my breath I told my wife we might need to get a video camera....must have been a hell of a site....my 255 pound fat a** trying to go from 4 mph to 15 or what ever it tops out at....in under a second.... :banghead:

You should have had on wheelie bars:burnout:
Who did you piss off your year is starting out like sh-t...You can use my lift...Where are you located the sticks sounds like you might be a neighbor..Best of luck to you prayers sent...Its gotta get better right?? Bill
Who did you piss off your year is starting out like sh-t...You can use my lift...Where are you located the sticks sounds like you might be a neighbor..Best of luck to you prayers sent...Its gotta get better right?? Bill

Have no idea who I pi**ed off lol.....I am in the sticks on the OTHER side of the country..thanks for the offer though. Swapped the t-case out last week, had the wife come out and work the floor jack for me so it was a breeze.

I do indeed hope it gets better....
Got the heat exchanger to fix the water heater on Wednesday. Opened it up, there were no gaskets in the box. Called them, said they would over night the necessary GASKETS. Mike, the UPS driver came by yesterday with a package.....it had "o" rings in it....
Got the heat exchanger to fix the water heater on Wednesday. Opened it up, there were no gaskets in the box. Called them, said they would over night the necessary GASKETS. Mike, the UPS driver came by yesterday with a package.....it had "o" rings in it....

Dang, one thing after another.... :violent1:

Once you bottom out, the only way you can go is up..... :sign3: