Which end to cut ugh!!

You won't collapse that hose until the WP starts spinning pretty good...... which is exactly when it shouldn't . I don't understand you're thinking that somehow a soft bottom hose is a good thing! Cuz it's the last hose I would want to go soft on my Cooling system.

NEMopar, I mean you no disrespect ...... but those Mopar engineers need respect too; they put a Wall support in there for a good reason. And you don't want to find out the hard way, that you shouldda had one in there.
Well I posted this on kind of the same subject(the radiator and fan thread), but I used a harder flexible hose when my lower hose last year was collapsing as they do with high volume water pumps and Heat. I can only imagine with that kink in your hose what's going on.
And I believe I posted a picture of it on that thread. And I don't know if it was this thread also but somewhere I was saying to do the same thing to go to the Napa and go back there and start checking hoses that look like the one you need.