who here hates yard work, and other **** that annoys me, just venting



Well-Known Member
May 13, 2010
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Grand Tetons
so who here hates yard work. i am talking everything from cutting grass, to edging, to raking the leaves up in the fall, to general yard cleanup, and maintenance.

i absolutely hate it, but it is a necessary evil, as i cannot afford to have somebody else do it for me. i cut my grass in the early morning before it gets too hot out to make it a bit easier on me.

i'd have my 14 year old daughter do it, but she drags *** when it needs to be done, till its a bit too high to push the mower easily, is a bit lazy, and wont use the edger, additionallly i have to dump the bag for her, and pull start the mower for her, plus pay her for the chore, she only wants to cut it when she needs money, then leaves patches and strips uncut. all this being said i'm better off doing this one myself.

getting close to finishing up my sun porch addition on my home, but between this and all the other exterior home chores, vehicle fixes, watching the kids on my days off so my wife can work, i never get time to myself.

i have been going over and above lately helping my wife with the kids, and watching the kids at the pool at the YMCA so she can use the gym facilities to lose the fat gain she got from our last baby. this was her choice, i am glad to help her out in this way since it bothers her, so she says hey you have been helping out a lot lately, take some time today to do what you want.

im thinking well i have to cut the grass, and fix a water leak on her suburban, but say to myself well since the baby has been keeping us up lately a nice nap for a few hours is what i'd like to do. so i crash for 4 hours. i must have been tired, i dont ever sleep like this during the day.

i get excoriated for this. wasnt it my time to squander if i wanted to? oh well. sometimes i think the reason that men die before their wives is because we want to.

trying to cover all the bills, and barely keeping my head above water. all my vehicles are payed off, so no car payment expenses, sat down numerous times tried to trim the bills down, cant trim expenses anymore, actually drowning. easiest sell would be my 07 GT, but i would sure miss it. kick myself in the *** actually. once its gone my family would hoover up all the cash i got for it, and i wouldent have anything to show for it, so i'm not going to try to sell it.

just need to vent right now life seems to suck

1967 cuda notch (in paint and body purgatory in my back yard shop as i have no time, money or give a **** right now to do anything with it) :(
Yes, I hate it. If the property taxes wasn't so high on concrete I would only have grass where the utility lines are buried if I could afford it.

I am like you and have stuff paid off but there still is little to no money to do what I want because medical bills suck it up. I have parts to work with but feel like **** most of the time so life sucks.

I don't really mind doing the yard work, other than how long it takes to do sometimes since we have such a big lawn. I use it as time to just be alone with my thoughts and drink a beer or lemonade or whatever (during the time riding the tractor).
Get a deere with power steering and a cd player and let the edges you can't reach grow. Gives the night crawlers a place to hide. She will cut the grass twice a day.
Well Matt, it seems as though your life is pretty normal. I know, aarrrgh!
Get a deere with power steering and a cd player and let the edges you can't reach grow. Gives the night crawlers a place to hide. She will cut the grass twice a day.

I wish that would have worked with my wife. She says get a rider, she will mow the grass so we go pick out a new rider and she used it twice in five years.... :banghead:
I hope you can take a big breath today :cheers: and take some time for yourself !
All I can say is it will get better, sounds like you have allot on your plate and that is a long nape you took :shock:, you must have needed it man, My children are grown and on there own, but I remember the joys of having 2 boys needing something every time I turned around, and seemed that there was no time for myself working 2 jobs and family calling on me all the time to help with something while my barracuda sat waiting on me, some day's/weeks can be overwhelming with TODO"S! :shaking: But I have a feeling if you did not help and do these things you would not feel good about yourself :D Pride of being a great husband and father is something I think would be a bad thing to loose :thumbrig:

Yes I enjoy yard work, it's like my time :colors: everyone leaves me alone and my phone stays in the house and it is legal to enjoy a cold one while I am mowing and burning leaves and wind fall. :D
Do not! sell the one thing you can jump in, turn the key and get away for some self time.:happy7:. we all need it, even if it's just a drive to a quit place and count your blessings JMO.. at 14 I would think your daughter can learn to start and dump the grass :D but I never raised a daughter :angel10: and at 14 she nust be very smart and can/maybe play parents, My older brother has a daughter and she rules the house :wack:
A hobby and friends once a week :color: and I am not talking 2 hours worth at least 8 hours away, yep sounds like relaxing and some time with friends would not hurt anything 8) Just wanted to put my 2 cent's in here for you moparmat2000
Matt, I also hate the yardwork. It takes time away from other things I need to be doing. One added task is having to clean up after my dog prior to taking out the mower, plus I can't let it get too high for that reason. I'm on a somewhat tight budget as well. I don't have a lot of money to put into my cars that's for sure. I just paid the annual JC Taylor insurance using some money I thought I could use for other things. The bills never end.

But.....I never forget how it can ALWAYS be worse. All in all, I have it pretty good. :cheers: Thank God!
I wish that would have worked with my wife. She says get a rider, she will mow the grass so we go pick out a new rider and she used it twice in five years.... :banghead:

You bought the wrong one It should have had power steering . CD player, Massage seat. and A/C. with a built in cooler.

Plus get her a good looking hunk like me to help her maintain it.


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I hope you can take a big breath today :cheers: and take some time for yourself !
All I can say is it will get better, sounds like you have allot on your plate and that is a long nape you took :shock:, you must have needed it man, My children are grown and on there own, but I remember the joys of having 2 boys needing something every time I turned around, and seemed that there was no time for myself working 2 jobs and family calling on me all the time to help with something while my barracuda sat waiting on me, some day's/weeks can be overwhelming with TODO"S! :shaking: But I have a feeling if you did not help and do these things you would not feel good about yourself :D Pride of being a great husband and father is something I think would be a bad thing to loose :thumbrig:

Yes I enjoy yard work, it's like my time :colors: everyone leaves me alone and my phone stays in the house and it is legal to enjoy a cold one while I am mowing and burning leaves and wind fall. :D
Do not! sell the one thing you can jump in, turn the key and get away for some self time.:happy7:. we all need it, even if it's just a drive to a quit place and count your blessings JMO.. at 14 I would think your daughter can learn to start and dump the grass :D but I never raised a daughter :angel10: and at 14 she nust be very smart and can/maybe play parents, My older brother has a daughter and she rules the house :wack:
A hobby and friends once a week :color: and I am not talking 2 hours worth at least 8 hours away, yep sounds like relaxing and some time with friends would not hurt anything 8) Just wanted to put my 2 cent's in here for you moparmat2000

Yep memike my thoughts exactly. This is why i told her dont bother asking about cutting the grass until you can do the complete job including starting the mower. This is money she doesnt get, since she isnt doing the job. So in this regard my kid is only hurting herself, because she only gets an allowance based on the number of chores she does per payweek. She has no money to go buy ****, and i dont give her any neither does her mom.

My GT is an escape vehicle of sorts, sometimes when i need to be alone, i will gas it up, and mebbe take an hour or 2 drive, but lately i dont have the time for that. I feel like im on a relentless treadmill that wont let me get off for awhile.

I used to race slot cars on a track i have.in my garage. Had friends come over, should be just the guys hanging out, blowin off a little steam from the work week. Wanted some guy time with my friends, never could get it, as my daughters 6, and 7 always want to be up my ***. They do this to my wife too. They dont grasp the concept of me wanting time with my friends, or alone time with the radio going, working on a project by myself.

Wish there was a commercial track i could go and run my cars on just to get out of the house by myself for a bit. Used to race 1/32 scale.slots with my older brother back in new jersey 20 years ago. Still miss it a lot. I get tired of working my *** off during the week, and again on the weekends without any fun.

So isnt life supposed to be somewhat enjoyable?!? If it is then i guess mine is a lemon.
I like doing my yard. Its something i,m proud of like my car. BUT! This Texas heat sux sweaty munkey danglers.


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If you think you hate mowing grass try putting up a pool! My wife has been after me to get a pool so being the dumbass I am I put up a 15 foot above ground pool. Boy was that a mistake! I want to go back to mowing really bad. Can't wait for winter to shovel snow because I know that the pool will be put away. My life SUCKS!!!!!!
One other thing that works. If your wife plants flowers or plants just mow them down.

Tell her you thought they were weeds. She will never let you cut the grass again.
If you think you hate mowing grass try putting up a pool! My wife has been after me to get a pool so being the dumbass I am I put up a 15 foot above ground pool. Boy was that a mistake! I want to go back to mowing really bad. Can't wait for winter to shovel snow because I know that the pool will be put away. My life SUCKS!!!!!!

yep, my wife wanted one of those too. i told her it was either the YMCA and all they offered, or a pool at home, but she couldent have both. i also said i dont want one and i wasnt going to use it, or clean it, or check the PH on it, so she had better learn quick if she wanted it. needless to say i still pay $66 per month dues to the YMCA.

i found out that wives like all this **** till theres work involved on their end in regards to it then they change their minds.
One other thing that works. If your wife plants flowers or plants just mow them down.

Tell her you thought they were weeds. She will never let you cut the grass again.

that would work but all of our plants are in box gardens because the dirt around here sucks. i cant say i went offroading with the mower and mow down the flowers. the box gardens are 6" above the grass.
i found out that wives like all this **** till theres work involved on their end in regards to it then they change their minds.

LMAO, welcome to my world. Mine says, oh I'll do it, NOT. You would think by now I would have learned. :banghead:
I like doing my yard. Its something i,m proud of like my car. BUT! This Texas heat sux sweaty munkey danglers.
:thumbup: BEAUTIFUL.
I too enjoy a well maintained yard but you have me beat on this one.
that would work but all of our plants are in box gardens because the dirt around here sucks. i cant say i went offroading with the mower and mow down the flowers. the box gardens are 6" above the grass.

Oops.... weed eater went wild...

LMAO, welcome to my world. Mine says, oh I'll do it, NOT. You would think by now I would have learned. :banghead:

It took me 25 years to learn but every now and then I just have to mess around and get the refresher course. :banghead:
I like working in the yard. It feels good when, at the end of the day, the wife and I stand out in the street with a beer in our hands and say, "That looks good".
I'm just going to build a huge garage in a couple years that takes up most of the grass area in the back yard. Will cut down my mowing time a whole lot!

About the daughter... maybe I should bite my tongue and not say anything, but if she's going to get paid to do a job, she can do it right. That crap isn't going to work (or shouldn't) in the "real" world when she gets a "real" job, but to me, this sounds like a perfect educational opportunity. Miss a bunch of spots and streaks? Do it right or don't get paid.
I'm just going to build a huge garage in a couple years that takes up most of the grass area in the back yard. Will cut down my mowing time a whole lot!

About the daughter... maybe I should bite my tongue and not say anything, but if she's going to get paid to do a job, she can do it right. That crap isn't going to work (or shouldn't) in the "real" world when she gets a "real" job, but to me, this sounds like a perfect educational opportunity. Miss a bunch of spots and streaks? Do it right or don't get paid.

Beat you to it. Built one in my back yard years ago right where i could never get grass to grow anyways. 27' deep x.31' wide. 837 sq feet. Took up a lot of mowing area. Prefer to pave over the front yard then glue down astro turf. Always green, never needs mowed, never needs water, never gets weeds. Problem solved, oh and you can park your car on it without leaving ruts

As far as my daughter goes, she dont mow the lawn anymore. It needs done, i dont say a word, i just pull the mower out n do it myself. She only gets an allowance based on chores she does. There is a value placed on every chore. Do it get payed, dont do it dont get payed. Its not our fault if she has no money to go to the mall. She has to work to get payed. No work no pay. When she bitches about not having any money we remind her about all the chores around the house that need to be done. We.dont wait forever tho, if she doesnt do them, either her little sisters do if its an age appropriate job, and they get payed , or my wife and i do the jobs ourselves.

Trying to give her the education no work = no pay. Already knows the free ride stops at 18. Get a job, and if living in my home u will pay rent. Alreafy told her enjoy your free cell phone, because she will have to pay for her own phone at 18 as well. Already told her i will not support an adult child.