who taught em to drive?????



barbee 6043
FABO Gold Member
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
Shepherd, Texas ( SE Tx)
O K ...so I don't drive down the 2 lane blacktops much over speed limit. going home today. much on old rt. 66, I have a full load of scrap lumber I picked up for free ( best kind). going 55, as usual someone comes up behind me, they CAN"T pass, open road , any idiot could pass me 5-6 times before any no pass stripe. is it a woman, a man, a child, an idiot,...... driving????? they can drive down the interstate 85 but can't get up to 60 to pass on a flat 2 lane!!!!!!?????? who teaches these people to drive!?????????????????????

inquiring minds wanna know. O K so its an old wore out mind with just a few questions..... ha
The problem is no one teaches any more, just study the book to pass the test is all. Also closing speeds, seems people are in a hurry to pull out in front of you, then there hurry is over. And do not even get me started on left lane hogs or the use of the little stick on the left of the steering wheel.......
This crap really pisses me off too. I'm on the road everyday, and the guy on your bumper and tight or over the line to see around bugs me. So when I come over a hill, it's safe to pass, I'll pull to the right and slow down 5 mph and the guy just sits there.

So then I become a dick and ride the center line, the guy backs off, I'm happy, I go back to more right in my lane and the guy drives up on my bumper just to see past me again, I HATE these guys.

Pass me, or back off!
yea! the bumper riders!!! I live out in the sticks, and work 3 days a week in the summer months at golf course mowing ruffs. ( I retired poor ha!). I call it my parts $$$ job..... when I have decent old mopar driver, it gets the job when its not cold. I leave the house at 4:30 to get there and mow ahead of the golfers. driving thru the back roads for bout half the 32 mi trip there......, never know when a deer is in the middle of road, or running across in front of ya, so I drive bout 50 for that reason that time of morning.
usually there will be a car or 2 catch up with me, and ride my friggin bumper , I slow down to 30 mph and yes, they still have no ability to pass, yes it is dark, and yes, Mo roads are narrow with almost no shoulder, BUT................. I have completely pulled off the road to let some idiot go around!
BUT, the idiots that do that this in the daytime on rt 66 , which is good road here, they just amaze me!!!!!! HA!
I was in a double left turn lane yesterday and when the green arrow showed up the woman on my left and I made the left turn.
Problem was that when we came out of the turn she's 3 feet over into my lane right next to me just flappin her lips to the woman in the passenger seat.
I was moving over farther and farther and leaning on the horn solid and she just kept driving right down the center line.
Finally I just nailed it to get the hell away from her.

Driving and drive training needs to be taken just a seriously as owning a firearm in my opinion, but it sure is a far cry from it.
maybe it makes a big difference learning to drive on dirt roads, and 2 lane roads. Ha
I had driven for over 2 years before I jad even seen an interest or a town with more than 1 traffic light!

my first trip in an interstate was when a hs senior, 1966, , my car buddy and me, took his 57 chev 250 mi up the road to " hot lanta". he had a date his aunt set him up with, while I got to say and visit with the aunt! but it was an experience. we went thru downtown Atlanta late in afternoon. I well remember seeing those TALL buildings. the afternoon shade they made. wayyyyy taller than a south Ga pine!!! O K so I sound like Gomer Pyle or Gubber! maybe!? ha
and yes, the old chevy ran all the way there on POINTs Dist! and biased tires!
Come to southern indiana and Kentucky, they will pass you with a double yellow line

I was passing cars yesterday on 2 lane and a couple times mutibles because the ones in front of me just riding along behind someone going slow even though the road was flat, wide and clear. Once I get past set the cruise back and just roll along free and clear ahead of me.

Passing speed on 55 mph highway looked down and 80 mph was on the speedo, waste no time getting around then slow back to safe reasonable speed for condition.

Actually I don't think anyone teaches them how to drive any more!
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Have a buddy that is either full throttle or full brake. He will be flying down a 3 lane road...in the right lane.....come barreling up behind someone and instead of simply moving over (there is nobody around but him and,the car he is approaching) go from wide to to full brake...after he matches speed he will then move into the next lane and floor it. Hey Doug....how come my front brakes only last 5k miles? Hey Doug...why did I only get 8 to a gallon? Duh
Xbox and Playstation taught them. Its all mindless, and they are stupefied when they rear end someone. I see it all the time in my daily travels, they look stupid standing next to their wrecked cars on a 70 MPH freeway. They follow so close, that when the traffic slows abruptly they have no time to react. it causes delays to everyone else, it seems to happen regularly on Friday nights. these aren't kids either, stupid thirty somethings.
I was driving down a 4 lane yesterday (2 lanes in each direction)
I was in the duster, and I was not booking it, but I was passing by everyone who was going below the speed limit in the fast lane (I was in the slow lane)

about three cars ahead of me a car in the fast lane got ready to make a left hand turn

some dummy in an audi, who was driving in the fast lane almost sideswiped me because instead of braking he tried to swerve around the car in front of him, who did slow down for the car getting ready to turn

and then he laid on the horn as if he was yelling at me for passing him in the slow lane
One of the ones I hate is when someone has an obstruction of some kind in their lane they don't slow down or stop, but come over into my lane head on.
WTF made that ok to do just because a kid or a garbage truck is in their lane?
Too damn big of a hurry to stop so they drive over intro oncoming traffic.
The left (passing lane) is the new slow lane. It is sad, part of my job is driving through out the greater bay area. When traffic slows down - I move to the right and keep moving. Meanwhile the passing lane is at a complete stop
And Prius drivers are among the worse drivers, but that is a different pain
Here on the Left Coast, they took Drivers Ed. out of High School. Not in the budget. We are too busy paying for all the "undocumented workers" Kids to go to free school. They learn as stated, wherever. Xbox, other stupid friends. My daughter recently ran off the road in the rain, a mountain road. I told her she was driving too fast, that was why the accident. O NO. It was because the road was slick! Really? How come there is not a pile of cars down there then? Hundreds of cars made it past there without wreaking. Know why? They were driving a correct speed!
Been driving about 43 years and thought I saw it all. Well being here north of Detroit since mid December I have seen things I never saw before. Now only down to about one a week, a big improvement trust me! LOL On the way to work this morning, keeping up with traffic i went to move into the left lane cause of slower traffic. Signal on, lane clear about six car space, made change. Some knucklehead sped up, got right on my bumper and then he had to lock them up cause traffic was slowing down cause of intersection. Clown then goes off road to get into left turn lane prematurely, and it's my fault? Smh......
I've been driving 27 years (since I was 3) have never been in an accident. Have never hit anything. And some of the **** I see amazes me. People who turn in front of you and cut you off, making you hit the brakes and when you honk they give YOU the finger. When you signal for a lane, its clear and when you start to move in they purposely speed up to deny you the lane, then honk at you like you're an asshole. The things I hate the most are the basics like not signaling for a lane change. Oh sorry, the turn lights on your brand new vehicle don't work? You should take it in for service, I'm sure it's covered under warranty. Oh I didn't know this was the only intersection in the whole city that you can't make a right hand turn on a red. I'm sorry for honking.

People just don't pay any attention when driving these days. Which is ridiculous given how many people die everyday just driving.
good thing Missouri is just not that populated, except KC and St Louis!!!!

lot of the problem is like aid, is no driver ed at some schools, cell phone, texting, kids think driving a car is just another form of those Nitendo? idiot games? ( whatever they are),,,,,,

too many people don't realize the deathly danger of driving and being on the road.... and so many people was raised with NO respect for anyone or anything?????????
I was parked in front of a car the other day and in no mood for stupidity due to my mom being quite ill. The lady (I think it was hard to tell) owner of the car parked behind me tells me somewhat belligerently that I have to move. Excuse me, why do I have to move? Because I can't get out. What do you mean you can't get out? You're too close. I go look, there are three feet at least between the bumpers. And she has a couple more behind. Move she says again. Are you effing kidding me. If you can't get out of this space you shouldn't be driving. Turned around and went to the machine to pay my parking, put the slip in in the car and walked away. Her car was gone when I got back so she must have somehow figured out how to maneuver out.