Whoah. Chrysler doomed?

Sad reading. I really hope they are wrong.
I just can´t imagine non existence of Chrysler.
man, that sucks. I had pipe dreams of a 5 speed srt challenger. Looks like they might not make it to market. But the fortunite few who has the auto cars, should`nt see any deprication? Two million affected? hard to imagin that many people looking for work at once, and competing with 20 million Illegal criminal beanies like I am. Construction ain`t what it used to be. Oh well, we all might be in the soup line, and probably be chinese soup. ha!
That is the first article I have seen with that take on it. All of the ones I have read see it as a true merger to help both entities and have stated that there is a preliminary agreement on who will head the "joint venture" and how to proceed with 11 different makes under one roof. Those layoff numbers for Chrysler are much smaller than the GM layoffs that are also in the works if this does happen. The line about GM not wanting to compete with Chrysler's huge rebates is nonsense. That implies that Chrysler's rebate programs have been a big success and really boosted sales. I doubt many people would agree with that. It's all speculation for now.
The line about GM not wanting to compete with Chrysler's huge rebates is nonsense. That implies that Chrysler's rebate programs have been a big success and really boosted sales. I doubt many people would agree with that. It's all speculation for now.

I think what they meant was the GM felt pressure to match the rebates that Chrysler was putting out.
It looks like Chrysler is near the end.But I think GM will eventually fail with or without Chrysler.All that will be left is FORD.I refuse to buy a non American built car.And don't give me this crap well VW's are built in the USA they are not Amerian owned.Or Chrysler and Ford use alot of Jap parts.
A Buddy of mine bought a new Toyota truck.I told him that was just wrong.He paid $27,000.00 for it.I told him he could atleast bought a GM or FORD.
There is little doubt that Chrysler will be history, the writing was on the wall when Cyerbus took them over.GM have said before they will keep the Jeep and minivan going but all other product lines will cease, there may be a buyer for Viper hiding in the wings The next question is how much longer will GM hang on, burning through 1B/month means they might get another year unless the markets pick up real fast they may be next. It's sad to add Chrysler to the list of Packard, Studebaker, Brickland and Willys-Overland.
Sad to see them go and I feel bad for all the workers who are going to suffer but it will only drive the prices up on those new Challengers in the long run.
to bad very racey moparhead to bad thats sad to blame so many others:happy10:
If you were forced to change career`s cause illegal criminals would work $7. hr. cheaper. take the pay cut or leave, you might change your tune. how would you like to work with people who **** on the tolet seat and not be able to use bathroom for 11 hours. Take your personal tools without asking, and vandalize your personal property at home. I`m not saying their all bad, I`ve befriended a many, ones that have the decency to half *** learn the language, like our forfathers had to. obvously your not competing with'em.
He drives a 93 Dodge Dually w/cummins they bought new and sis drives a Suburu. But their pride is a 62 Stude. G T Hawk. By the time I get my Dart finished it's parent company could be past too.
Too bad I don't have $10 million to offer Chry for their MP stuff and a lot more parts. I think that will be a good investment for someone.
It looks like the merger is off. GM, Chrysler, and Ford are in separate talks with the government about loans to keep the three afloat and the loan to finance the merger was denied.