wife laid her opinion on me and i dont like it

Well, according to my wife..... no.... wait..... I don't have a wife. According to my girl friend...... nope..... don't have one of those either. I guess I get to give Myself permission to spend MY money any which way I want on whatever I like. Ahhhhhhhh. It's great to be single.... but I'm so lonely. NOT! You guys crack me up. :toothy10:
Well, according to my wife..... no.... wait..... I don't have a wife. According to my girl friend...... nope..... don't have one of those either. I guess I get to give Myself permission to spend MY money any which way I want on whatever I like. Ahhhhhhhh. It's great to be single.... but I'm so lonely. NOT! You guys crack me up. :toothy10:

Hell yeah!

The Bible says "it is not good for man to be alone". It's not all that good....... but it's not that bad either!! LOL! :cheers:

I would rather be lonely than miserable any day of the week... wouldn't you? LOL

To my ex wife -----> :thebirdm:
Mine is tryin o get my ash going & cash in old IRA & buy 1 extra driver for winter so "Baby" can sleep in the garage this year, 1 project & 1 parts cars & just get going instead of searching for a job that tick me off all the time. Her only rule now MOPARS only! God love her!
My wife doesnt care for my 73 swinger. She does like a 57 F-word T bird. she even prefers a 79 Z28 over her present ride which is a Jag S-type. But the worse thing she ever told me and I swear this is the truth. My wife said and I quote " I have never been attracted to good looking Guys" So I'm thinking that either means I'm one ugly sum gun or she aint attracted to me. O well she still married me. :cheers:
We have a 64 Fairlane. When I first got the car a neighbor came over and asked when I was going to get the Thunderbolt hood for it, my wife said no way in hell I was going to put that hood on the car. Few weeks later I found a 69 Dart on ebay for a good price and jokingly said if I could not put the hood on the Fairlane, then I wanted another car that I could do what I want with, week later the Dart showed up. 8)8)
I have been staying away from this thread,:happy10: It's a good one :happy10:
But My wife don't give a hoot for cars except her's and her's come's first8)
Just as long as I am happy she is happy, Or is is the other way around 8).
My wife claims she likes my 68 Barracuda rag-top, but then turns around and calls it the G-D Plymouth! Of course I guess she said the same thing about all of my Dusters and Darts and I married her anyway.

She thinks a 68 Toronado is high class!

Not quite sure why I keep that woman around.....
I have been staying away from this thread,:happy10: It's a good one :happy10:
But My wife don't give a hoot for cars except her's and her's come's first8)
Just as long as I am happy she is happy, Or is is the other way around 8).

Agreed! Mine doesn't care about my cars, just that I spend the time on 'em to get 'em useable again (ahemm...like pushing me to get my '78 F250 going.) But when her's needs the work it goes right to the top of the list. She's happy and I'm happy.
Look at it this way, at least she`s honest and says what she feels instead of blowing smoke up your aZZ. You said it yourself "to each, his own". It would be one boring world if everybody liked the same thing.
I don't see a problem in her not liking his car. It's that he has to make a deal with her to get the car he wants, and I assume he's paying for both.
I'm tired of my wife calling mopars "mopeds" I think she does it to piss me off, and it works! I drive a '69 valiant 4 door beater all of the time, and she drives an '07 focus. Her family and friends can't figure out why i drive the valiant instead of her car when i get the chance! (she refuses to drive the valiant)
We had the focus in for some warranty work 4 times now. The last time, i stuck it to her good and said my valiant has never made me walk, and i've got $500 into it total for the last 4 years, she has $21,000 into the focus. She doesn't bug me about driving the valiant anymore lol.
In all fairness to her, she likes my cars, she just doesn't get why i love them so much.
She still calls these cars "mopeds" though. ](*,)
And yes, it still pisses me off.
You need to embrace it, like a term of endearment. I've heard tough looking Harley guys call their hogs scooters. They know what's up, and so does everyone else. It's ironical. Do the same with your moped. It's not a moped. It's the moped.
I would rather be lonely than miserable any day of the week... wouldn't you? LOL

To my ex wife -----> :thebirdm:
You don't need to be married, or have a girlfriend to not be lonely. 3,000,000,000 women in the world waiting to meet you, and they don't all demand you marry them. Just put yourself out there.
My wife wants her car to be shiny and get from point a to point b. She likes my daughter's 63 valiant (black-almost shiny, red interior). She wonders why I drive that boxy hand painted 68 valiant. But now she is longing for a red barracuda; 64-65-she likes the "bug" eyes-"it's got to have a cute face"-go figure.
Ya, I think the 65-65 Barracudas look a little goofy too. That's why I have three.......
my wife told me today she doesnt see what i like about the 64-66 barracudas. She says the rear window looks odd and the front end looks odd. That cut me deep since i have loved these cars since the age of 10. I need some moral support. i have an agreement with her that when the barracuda is done i will redo a 69 mach 1 for her or at least buy her one at that time. i really dont care for the mustangs since im a mopar man but hey to each their own

My previouis wives..haha..hated cars..and me...:) However my wife now fell straight out of heaven...even tells me to buy stuff for it....wants to drive it...here is proof!

My wife is more of a B-Body fan. She has owned a 66 Charger and a 70 Charger 500 in the past. She's never liked any of my A-Bodies.
My wife didn't like my car either until I let her drive it. Now, I can't keep her out of it.