wife talkin divorce , prayers needed



Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2008
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married 15 years , 3 kids 3,8 & 10 , i hurt my back a year ago & been outa work , 5 damaged discs & on opiates fors full year & im detoxing right now . Hoping to be back to work in a month or so , No unfaithfullness or abuse , my parents divorced when i was 4 yrs old . This is ripping me apart inside , please keep me and my family in your prayers......only God can fix this
It happens. Not always your fault.

I've been through it.

If it happens to you, you will get through it also. We're here for support.

I'm happier divorced, than I was married. It's not all that bad - I don't have to answer to anyone but myself.

Stay tough.
You've come to a good place for support! Here's praying everything works out the way it needs to for all of you. If there's no saving it, make sure you do everything you can to fulfill the needs of your children. I also hope you get back to good with your health and all this blows over.
My ex and I get along better now than when we were married...

Who'd ever thunk that...
Two years past a very expensive and painful ending of a 12 year marriage.
I have two children age 14 and 10 and no matter how much the divorce hurts and cost, it's the pain of not seeing my children. Pray for the best, plan for the worst..
hang in there. is your wife just frustrated with your health issue?
My best advise would be to talk about the problems and try working it out. Don't leave this up to faith, you have the power to change her options. Talk about what can be done to reconsider, for Christ sakes the poor children. I know with a little talk to can help save your marriage.
married 15 years , 3 kids 3,8 & 10 , i hurt my back a year ago & been outa work , 5 damaged discs & on opiates fors full year & im detoxing right now . Hoping to be back to work in a month or so , No unfaithfullness or abuse , my parents divorced when i was 4 yrs old . This is ripping me apart inside , please keep me and my family in your prayers......only God can fix this

Two years past a very expensive and painful ending of a 12 year marriage.
I have two children age 14 and 10 and no matter how much the divorce hurts and cost, it's the pain of not seeing my children. Pray for the best, plan for the worst..

My best advise would be to talk about the problems and try working it out. Don't leave this up to faith, you have the power to change her options. Talk about what can be done to reconsider, for Christ sakes the poor children. I know with a little talk to can help save your marriage.

How bad are you addicted to the opiates? If so is this a major issue in your marriage? Maybe you might need more than support that just quiting on you own. There are non-opiate meds the doctor can put you on to get off the opiates.I have seen what drugs can do to a marriage but I do understand your pain issues too. What has been done to correct you disc problems?Opiates won't fix you damaged back and if that is all they have been doing then you need another doctor NOW.

The bold statements above Xs2.

Prayers offered for the entire family.
Sorry to hear that John.
Prayers taking care of.
Hang in there, she just might be overwelmed with kids, finances, & life in general.
Just try to communicate with her.
Good Luck.
Man I am married 22 years. Not only married 22 years to same woman but we actually were divorced for about 3 years where we were legally and than stayed separated for about a years and a half before we started to date again.Now remarried and about every 5 years or so we have a rough patch.Than one of us takes a vacation for a week or two.Than we still seem to find that as much as i want to use the mute button on the tv remote and pray like crazy it would just work to provide some relief.But truth be told somehow we find as much as we irrate each other we still have a strong love between us.

Man this sounds like your in need of a reminder for you two to find that reason why you have became a team and started your tribe.Long weekend with no radio no tv no internet.You need case of wine (cheap stuff work just as good),May be some rubbing oil,fresh strawberries with powdered sugar.and a couple of good ground rule.And No kids.
You might want 2 pens and paper start writing down pros cons and things that cause the tension.Get it on the table than fix it.Most of all lots of good talking and under no sercumstances no blaming or yelling (unless its sexual).Got now talk to her.She still loves you.
These things happen, and you'll be hurt for awhile. I feel your pain, but the pain doesn't last forever. I hope you can work it out but if not, pull yourself up and take care of yourself and the kids.
been there , i know the feeling. sometimes things have a way of working out for the better. sometimes bad things have to happen for the good to come. if there is arguement in the home, its worse for the kids than splitting up. do your best to remain civil at all costs especially in front of the children. sometimes people blame the ones closest for their unhappiness when it is really a personal problem. if you are in it for the long haul , suggest some counseling , it may sound corny , but sometimes all folks really needed was to talk openly to someone else other than their significant other about their issues. dont stay with her for the wrong reasons. good luck, things will get better , that i do know.
Okay Prayers are sent. Good luck with everything. Stay clean and work hard and she'll come back around.
"only God can fix this", however most likely you will be given direction, for the work to be done.

I too have suffered from serious back problem. Being in chronic, can result in crabbiness. Being aware helps, I second guess my actions and words, it helps.

I used diet, tai-chi, exercise (mainly walking) and acupressure to heal. I built, back and stomach muscles, to support the spine. Learning to breathe correctly with exercise is a great way to release pain.

Just trying to help you, by letting you know, what works for me.

May God bless you.
Prayers offered,
I don't normally get involved in giving advice, but I've found a resource that is invaluable to marriage.

Find and watch the movie "Fireproof", also read and use the book "The Love Dare". Lots of valuable information for saving a marriage.

Google it...
stay strong man this was similar to me a year ago and we made it through the tough spot. be active in fixing it if it is what you want to do. i must have asked 1000 people and everyone said to me "it will be what you 2 can make it"
married 15 years , 3 kids 3,8 & 10 , i hurt my back a year ago & been outa work , 5 damaged discs & on opiates fors full year & im detoxing right now . Hoping to be back to work in a month or so , No unfaithfullness or abuse , my parents divorced when i was 4 yrs old . This is ripping me apart inside , please keep me and my family in your prayers......only God can fix this

My dad put his faith in god when my mother walked out. I was nine at the time.
Let's just say he was given between zero and no help, From the local church in so far as advice or help.

My dad raised both my sister and myself. Refused to place us in a catholic home. There only advice. So forgive me if I don't support the god will fix it solution.

My only advice is EVERY situation is different and while some here my give what seems like good sound advice. I say look inside yourself listen to the advice given here, and apply what seems best
My ex and I get along better now than when we were married...

Who'd ever thunk that...

Happens in all relationships, so I have noticed. No pressure to make each other happy and be what the other wants you to be or do.