Winter Storm

Here it is 7:30p.m now and about 10 inches later it stopped.It,s supposed to snow on and off til Monday.Great!more shovelling and snow blowing,agai and again.

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Was stationed at Charleston AFB in 72 after leaving 'Nam. We had something like 15 inches of snow in Jan which the old timers said was virtually unheard of. No snow plows - the state had to use graders to plow the roads. Things were pretty well paralyzed for a few days.

I was talking to a friend of mine about two months ago and he mentioned that. It was bad ... no one was ready for that amount of snow down there on the coast. He had just left Charleston with his mom (his mom had some type of surgery) and they got back home just in time. I was only 2 yrs old then. That's when it used to snow around here. I was 8 or 9 yrs old and we got 8 inchs of snow. That is the most I've ever seen. It has not snowed that deep since. I guess global warming has a lot to do with it.
I remember the blizzard of 78, and let me tell you, regardless of what the weather people or news reporters ever tell you, NO storm since has been anything remotely close to that blizzard. It will be ingrained into my memory forever. I was almost 13 at the time, and it was VERY impressive. School was closed for a whole week. Driving a car was against the law unless it was a 4X4 TRUCK or a snowmobile. Radio stations were asking the public to help shuttle doctors/nurses to and from area hospitals in 4X4's because they could not get to the hospitals. Governor Grosso declared CT in a state of emergency which lasted for a week. We got 28" of FALLEN snow in Bridgeport which is a coastal city, much more inland, but the drifts from the 50MPH winds were up to 2nd story rooftops. I remember looking out the front window on my house in the middle of the day, and couldn't see the house across the street. The snow was packed so tightly from the wind that in order to shovel your sidewalk, you had to chop the snow into blocks in 2 layers in order to get to the cement. Once you had a shovel full of snow, you had to walk to the next driveway to throw it in the road as the piles from the plows made it impossible to throw it over the top of the pile unless you were over 6ft tall. It was absolutely incredible.


I was 14 when this storm happened , they closed MASS down for a couple of weeks , my dad almost go stuck on 128 , he drove an 18 wheeler and cars were getting stuck around him , but he made it to his shop and home that day .

I think that storm is why we now have non stop news coverage everytime we are going to get more than a 1/2 " of snow ...
I don't think we'll ever see another blizzard like that in our lifetimes.
I was telling my kids about that storm just this morning. They sat there in awe of the stories I was telling.

I was 14 when this storm happened , they closed MASS down for a couple of weeks , my dad almost go stuck on 128 , he drove an 18 wheeler and cars were getting stuck around him , but he made it to his shop and home that day .

I think that storm is why we now have non stop news coverage everytime we are going to get more than a 1/2 " of snow ...

I remember that Blizzard. Here in West Virginia we called it the Rockefeller Blizzard, Our Governor at the time was now Senator John D. Rockefeller III and the storm happened on Dec 9th of 1978.
The night before there was now snow here in West Virginia, It was 60*F that day, But by the morning we had 4 feet of snow and by the end of a week we had 8 feet of snow on the mountain me and my family lived on. I was 13. The schools were closed until the second week in Feb of 1979. The Elk River near our house froze over and the ice was 3feet thick in places. When the ice did begin to break up and float down river the ice cracking could be heard a mile away! My brother and I made igloos and snow tunnels. We had a small Beagle named Bingo, we had to shovel out a small path for him to go out and poo so he would not get buried in the snow, and our St. Bernard, Babe, had a difficult time too.

We road a Volkswagon car hood pulled by my dads truck on the road for the ultimate sleigh ride!
Now my kids get out of school when we get 2 inches of snow WTF? We need a good winter around here


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I remember the blizzard of 78, and let me tell you, regardless of what the weather people or news reporters ever tell you, NO storm since has been anything remotely close to that blizzard. It will be ingrained into my memory forever. I was almost 13 at the time, and it was VERY impressive. School was closed for a whole week. Driving a car was against the law unless it was a 4X4 TRUCK or a snowmobile. Radio stations were asking the public to help shuttle doctors/nurses to and from area hospitals in 4X4's because they could not get to the hospitals. Governor Grosso declared CT in a state of emergency which lasted for a week. We got 28" of FALLEN snow in Bridgeport which is a coastal city, much more inland, but the drifts from the 50MPH winds were up to 2nd story rooftops. I remember looking out the front window on my house in the middle of the day, and couldn't see the house across the street. The snow was packed so tightly from the wind that in order to shovel your sidewalk, you had to chop the snow into blocks in 2 layers in order to get to the cement. Once you had a shovel full of snow, you had to walk to the next driveway to throw it in the road as the piles from the plows made it impossible to throw it over the top of the pile unless you were over 6ft tall. It was absolutely incredible.


I remember that one too George !! It was a year or so before I started working for my Dad.. Ella closed all the highways, and he had to make some phone calls to find out that the only trucks allowed on the road had to be carrying perishable goods, so the milk trucks went out ...

There also was a really bad one in 1969 .. We were picking up most of our milk in NY state back then..I remember my grandfather telling me that he called the NY state police and they said the roads were open, so the guys chained up the trucks and headed out route 44 to Millerton, NY.. They got a few miles up route 22 and there were 12' drifts across the road, and the guys had to turn around and come home empty.. That day and the day of the Flood of '55 were the only two days we didn't pick up milk since 1949, sixty years !! (and they had pretty good excuses)

I remember another bad one in 1993, and I had the guys come up to the garage at 2AM to decide if we were going to try and deliver milk to West Springfield, MA.. We were running 3 milk trucks then, and I'll never forget one of the "old timers" who was about to retire said "What the hell are we waiting for, Let's Go, so three of us headed out into blinding snow..

There's been some scary nights over the years, and last night was no picnic either..

Warm muggy 74 here right now ............ I would trade my lawn mower for a snow blower any day....
I remember that one too George !! It was a year or so before I started working for my Dad.. Ella closed all the highways, and he had to make some phone calls to find out that the only trucks allowed on the road had to be carrying perishable goods, so the milk trucks went out ...

There also was a really bad one in 1969 .. We were picking up most of our milk in NY state back then..I remember my grandfather telling me that he called the NY state police and they said the roads were open, so the guys chained up the trucks and headed out route 44 to Millerton, NY.. They got a few miles up route 22 and there were 12' drifts across the road, and the guys had to turn around and come home empty.. That day and the day of the Flood of '55 were the only two days we didn't pick up milk since 1949, sixty years !! (and they had pretty good excuses)

I remember another bad one in 1993, and I had the guys come up to the garage at 2AM to decide if we were going to try and deliver milk to West Springfield, MA.. We were running 3 milk trucks then, and I'll never forget one of the "old timers" who was about to retire said "What the hell are we waiting for, Let's Go, so three of us headed out into blinding snow..

There's been some scary nights over the years, and last night was no picnic either..

I would have been two years old when the one in 69 happened.But if I am right that storm hit in early Nov.,my mom wen't into labor with my younger brother who was born on Nov 11.My Pops used to tell me about driving in it with his Galaxie vert to come and get me,from Chicopee to Westfield.He always busted on my brother about his timing.
Here are some humorous pics that are snow's atctic cold here in nebraska, single digit temps and 20-30 mph winds out of the north....winter can quit now!
Damn snow.






We got 34 inches here in about 30 hours Wednesday and Thursday. Snow sucks. I'm already way tired of it, and there's more headed this way.
Winter can go now...predicted actual low is -11 Monday sucks.
Canada can have it's cold air mass back.
We got about 8" in 8hrs, Getting more now and rain/sleet/snow later.
Here and gone in four days. ice and snow that kept me in and warm.
It got up to 60 degrees F Saturday.

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We're getting hit pretty good this morning here in Southwest Michigan (Kalamazoo). Supposed to be blizzard conditions all day with single digits temps and below zero wind chills! Man I'm tired of winter already. Like George said earlier about the storm of 78, well we had that one beat by the storm of 67. I was in school and they sent us home early and everything in the city came to a standstill for well over a week. It snowed solid for over 3 days and the wind never stopped blowing hard the whole time. People were trying to get to the grocery stores by pulling their kids sleds behind them to put food on and the few people that had snowmobiles used them to get around. Me and a friend remember walking down the main street in town over big piles of snow that had cars buried under them. It was awesome! The roof of the local bowling alley caved in from the weight and some houses had damage too. What made things worse was back then the city only had a handful of plows because nothing had ever happened like that before and they couldn't keep up. The National Guard was called in with BIG and I mean BIG trucks with plows on them to move the snow. The city announced a curfue and the sherriff put on extra men to arrest looters. It was the wildest thing I ever remember as a kid happening in this town when it comes to snow storms. Yeah the 78 storm was bad but the 67 storm had it beat at least in my town! It one of those things that as a kid sticks in your mind and you never forget it! I really loved all the extra days off from school too:)
We're getting hit pretty good this morning here in Southwest Michigan (Kalamazoo). Supposed to be blizzard conditions all day with single digits temps and below zero wind chills! Man I'm tired of winter already. Like George said earlier about the storm of 78, well we had that one beat by the storm of 67. I was in school and they sent us home early and everything in the city came to a standstill for well over a week. It snowed solid for over 3 days and the wind never stopped blowing hard the whole time. People were trying to get to the grocery stores by pulling their kids sleds behind them to put food on and the few people that had snowmobiles used them to get around. Me and a friend remember walking down the main street in town over big piles of snow that had cars buried under them. It was awesome! The roof of the local bowling alley caved in from the weight and some houses had damage too. What made things worse was back then the city only had a handful of plows because nothing had ever happened like that before and they couldn't keep up. The National Guard was called in with BIG and I mean BIG trucks with plows on them to move the snow. The city announced a curfue and the sherriff put on extra men to arrest looters. It was the wildest thing I ever remember as a kid happening in this town when it comes to snow storms. Yeah the 78 storm was bad but the 67 storm had it beat at least in my town! It one of those things that as a kid sticks in your mind and you never forget it! I really loved all the extra days off from school too:)

Yes it will stick in your mind... I will never forget the storm of 78 as long as I live.
Yes it will stick in your mind... I will never forget the storm of 78 as long as I live.
I believe it was February 6th if memory serves.
CT guys, get the shovels out. Been snowing since just after I woke up at 5am. Turning to sleet/rain now at 1pm.
I measured the total snowfall from Friday and this am, and we got 12.5" total.
I heard more rain/shlop for Christmas Eve. I'll have to break out Ram Force One to get the family to my sisters house on the other side of town.
