Wiring Issues!!!!!



Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2009
Reaction score
Stockett Mt
1ST. Is there any reason that the engine wouldn't start with the instrument cluster removed? (1967 barracuda)

2ND. I hate when people "farmer fix" stuff. I have wires spliced into wires spliced into wires in the engine bay. I have a wiring diagram but when all the wire colors are black it makes it tough. So could anybody send me a pic of the dist., coil and alternator wiring.

Thanks Chris
I think it does matter if its hooked up i started mine one time with the cluster out and only had the ign pluged in it ran like crap when i did that then it ran perfect when i put it all back in. Hope this helps
Thinking about it; the ammeter is out of the circuit. Might be killing the power to coil.. especially if the wiring is "rigged".
Thinking about it; the ammeter is out of the circuit. Might be killing the power to coil.. especially if the wiring is "rigged".

I just checked and I do have power to the ammeter. I'm just waiting for the wife to get home so she can watch the boy (2 1/2) while i jack up the car and see if I'm getting power to the starter.
please don't say "farmer fix". that is one of the few things that offends me.

my 67 barracuda runs without the instrument cluster. I haven't had a cluster in mine since I got it and its been running. The ammeter is bypassed on mine, which may be your problem if yours isn't. Does your engine turn over, or does nothing at all?
Sorry to offend. I grew up with the term. My grandpa was a farmer/rancher. And he and I used to "fix" stuff all the time. The car does nothing at all. No starter crank No anything. I even pulled the headlight switch out figuring the lights would come on.
All power goes through the ammeter, nothing electrical will work unless the two heavy wires going to the cluster are hooked up to the ammeter or if the cluster is removed the two wires can be temperarely conncted together to power the system.
And to daliant goes a great big thank you! I still have to wait for the wife to get home, but now I'm not going to work on the car in a pre-determined bad mood.
Something to try, I had a similar problem. Hit the key, nothing. There is one wire that runs thru the bulk head connector that I bumped and every thing went dead. Try holding the key in the start pos and reach under the dash and wiggle the group of wires going thru the bulkhead.
Worth a try,
Good luck.
disconnecting the 2 wires on the amp meter yeilds the same result as seperating the safety disconnct at the fusible link. Disconnects all electrical in the cab.

and the only farmer fix I know is using some twigs and twine :)
Jump past all the wiring and starter solenoid, hook a jumper cable to the BIG terminal on the starter, and touch the other end to positive on the battery. If it spins, search in here for testing the relay.
Jump past all the wiring and starter solenoid, hook a jumper cable to the BIG terminal on the starter, and touch the other end to positive on the battery. If it spins, search in here for testing the relay.

the relay isn't the problem, he has the gauge cluster removed and the ammeter isn't completing the circuit as all positive power runs through this before anything else inside the car gets power, had one crap out on me on the side of the road:angry7:
My bad, as I forgot that I had bypassed the amp, and installed a voltmeter.
But, I have a 70 Duster that I bought new, and had a 70 Swinger; never hat a starter relay problem. Check for voltage to the coil. Probably the dash out is it.
I can send you a pdf of the wiring if you need it.
I wouldn't mind the PDF of the wiring. It might be the one I have already, but hopefully it is better. I never did get out to work on it tonight, damn "LIFE" keeps getting in the way. Thanks Again Everbody for your help Chris