WIW Air cleaner base



Here we go again...
FABO Gold Member
Mar 13, 2007
Reaction score
Kansas City, Mo
I did some work for a buddy today and he wanted to pay me, but I wouldn't take any money from him. He offered me this air cleaner base along with a 14X3 inch K&N air filter, and a chrome lid. He kept the 14X4 K&N that goes with the base, but I can buy one later.


My question is, who made this base? I have seen the ad a hundred times in the back of one of my mags, but can't find the manufacturers name or website. Anyone have any ideas or old mags laying around that they could look in?

This is what I would eventually like to do with the set up sometime down the road.


Thanks for your help!
He told me that the single snorkles were $100, but didn't know what the duals cost.

I wish I could find the magazine that had the ad in the back. It ran for years.
Ding, ding, ding...I think we have a winner! Thanks GTX!


Looks like it's the 14X4@80 one to me. Price is $156.99 K&N air filter is another $49.95. I also got the hoses and intakes like in this picture.


So I guess I came out OK, seeing that I didn't want to charge him anything in the first place!
Ding, ding, ding...I think we have a winner! Thanks GTX!


Looks like it's the 14X4@80 one to me. Price is $156.99 K&N air filter is another $49.95.

So I guess I came out OK, seeing that I didn't want to charge him anything in the first place!

My pleasure. All it took was a search through my bookmarks. I knew it looked familiar.
Well now it's in my bookmarks too!

I may have to sell it and go with the 3" one though. My hood barely closes now with the 3" inch K&N that I have now. No way I'm going to get a 4" element in there.

I eventually want to put an AAR Six Pack hood on it, but that kind of defeats the purpose of a cold air intake.