Worried about an old friend/can't find him

Way to go Mike, you are a good friend to him.....as well as a good person.
Prayers sent to help the healing.
Thank you Dartnut, He seemed to be doing a little better, but he is a smart fellow that can hide his felling's

Hope things end up ok with your buddy Mike, prayers sent.
Thank you 65Vart, I am glad he got out and put some food in his belly this morning :cheers:

In my prayers and thoughts, Mike, you're a good man and friend.
He would do it for me if something like this was to ever happen to any of his family or friends, Thank you for your prayers Valiantdogs

Mike how do you keep those wings hid ? I have a feeling your friend is gonna be alright with you looking after him. Wish you all the luck in the world with this. DD
The same way you do brother, He should be on his way home from AA for an hour or so nap Pete :thumblef:

Amen.........hoping things work out.......prayers sent.
Thank you dart1, Thank you so much.

As soon as I seen him he ask how do I look ?? with a laugh !
He said that it sunk in when I said that I get up and groom myself first thing and it helps me start my day, he enjoyed a small breakfast biscuits and gravy with a side order of linked sausage and a pepsi.
Know I am a bit tired and could use a power nap, I play APA 8 ball tonight and another friend said he would go see him and take him out for food tonight and make sure he is eating :thumblef:
Thank all of you for the prayers and well wishes for my great ol friend :cheers:

Nap time for memike or :coffee2:, But I bet it will be a nap :thumblef:
Mike your friend is lucky to have you! I am glad you are caring enough to have found your friend and made sure he is allright.

Alcohol can be a real problem for many.It is a depressant,so I dont touch it. Have enough issues around depression already

Hopefully your friend can find his way out.With your help he just might be O.K!
Just keep your eyes on your friend. I've seen guys give or sell everything they own. I friend of mine did that. I took everything he gave me and put it away. I knew he wasn't in a good state of mind. I went to house one day to see his 25' camper being pulled off. He had sold it for $2000. He gave nearly $40,000 for it a couple years before and was only used a couple of times. He said he and his wife had had sex in there and he couldn't keep it. When he finally got off the Prozac and realized what he had done, it was to late. I gave him everything he gave me back, but he had lost a lot.
Alcohol does strange things to people. I had a guy working for me that was given an ultimatum by his wife back in the 70's, she wanted him to back off the drinking or she was going to take the kids and leave. He chose the beer over his wife and 2 kids. It wasn't until recently he supposedly quit drinking to to health issues.

Stay with it Mike, people can change there ways with support. You're a good man for being there for him.
Glad you found him and took care of him. I was worried that he may have done something bad to himself. Keep taking him out and feeding him and keep his mind busy on positive things. It's times like these where guys like him need a good friend like you to get them through the rough times.

Keep it up Mike.
memike you are a good friend. More prayers coming.
Thank you Cliff

Mike your friend is lucky to have you! I am glad you are caring enough to have found your friend and made sure he is allright.

Alcohol can be a real problem for many.It is a depressant,so I dont touch it. Have enough issues around depression already

Hopefully your friend can find his way out.With your help he just might be O.K!
He has a friend with him know and he said he went to another AA meeting today and sounds like he is moving forward in hopes to get his wife back :cheers: Thank you needsaresto :thumblef:

Just keep your eyes on your friend. I've seen guys give or sell everything they own. I friend of mine did that. I took everything he gave me and put it away. I knew he wasn't in a good state of mind. I went to house one day to see his 25' camper being pulled off. He had sold it for $2000. He gave nearly $40,000 for it a couple years before and was only used a couple of times. He said he and his wife had had sex in there and he couldn't keep it. When he finally got off the Prozac and realized what he had done, it was to late. I gave him everything he gave me back, but he had lost a lot.
I have not seen this in him and he is on a level field and better peace of mind then that, But I have seen and herd of people that dun this and folks take advantage of people in this condition :protest: If I see anything like this going on you can count that I will be stepping in and calling them out ... Thank you for the heads up and well wishes gunbunny :thumblef:

Your a good man Mike..everyone needs a friend like you!
He has a few that are stepping up to keep an eye on him and keep him busy GT, Thank you :thumblef:

Alcohol does strange things to people. I had a guy working for me that was given an ultimatum by his wife back in the 70's, she wanted him to back off the drinking or she was going to take the kids and leave. He chose the beer over his wife and 2 kids. It wasn't until recently he supposedly quit drinking to to health issues.

Stay with it Mike, people can change there ways with support. You're a good man for being there for him.
I have seen things like this a long time ago, I and a few others are keeping him moving forward, so far so good and thank you Badsport :thumblef:

prayers sent some more mike keep us posted bud
I sure will Doc, he is eating and getting help by a few of us, like I said he is a great fellow with a big hart that has been hurt, so we are staying close by. Thank you Doc :thumblef:

Glad you found him and took care of him. I was worried that he may have done something bad to himself. Keep taking him out and feeding him and keep his mind busy on positive things. It's times like these where guys like him need a good friend like you to get them through the rough times.

Keep it up Mike.
We have troops of friends krazykuda :cheers: and he seems to be doing as he said he will and will do what ever it takes to get his life and wife back and grow again, Thank you krazykuda :thumblef:

Another day and he is doing as good as can be expected and keeping his appointments :cheers:
I am supposed to call him again about 2:30 pm, so after a grilled hamburger and a ride in the country I enjoyed on my sons bike I think a power nap is on my to do list so I can be fresh and see what my dear friend would like to do.
I wish I could talk him into a trip to the pool hall here in town, no booze is served there and he has a table at home and enjoyed shooting, But we will see Prayers to ya Paint Doctor and to all the folk's here I thank you for all the prayers, advice and well wishes, Friends an I are in it for the long hall :thumblef: if that is what it takes, and I know it will be at least 30 day's to see how things are going.
I got a great up lifting to day :cheers::cheers::cheers:
My friend took the time to call me and said he has been off all his meds and has not drank in 21 days :blob::cheers:
He sounds so good and his life is moving forward.
Thank you all for your well wishes and prayers :hello2:
He has god guiding him everyday and told me he knew I have been calling but he said he just had to be away from his friends that enjoy a drink and I understood :coffee2:
I am so happy to have herd from him today, I feel 6 feet tall :D
My friend the paint Doctor is doing outstanding :cheers:
He is blest with many great skills and he is enjoying them again he said.
Again I thank all my fabo family here :hello2: your prayers have been herd and put to work. :hello2:
Glad to hear your friend is doing good.
Same here Stan :hello2:
That phone call I got today sure picked my spirits up :blob:
It was so good to hear him and sounding so good, I hope to hear from him about 2pm and bring lunch to him and enjoy some needed fellow ship :cheers:
This is great news Mike. There's so many people who've tried to help those with serious drug/alcohol problems and they just get hurt in the process. I'm so glad that this seemed to have worked out.
One of my friends from high school had similar problems and punched his ticket Sunday. No one realized how severely he was depressed. He had a loving wife and kids and grandchildren. He posted a few scriptures on facebook on Friday and made a comment about taking a dip in the river to start his day over. I see now that it was a metaphor. I miss you Teddy.
You might already know my story but I'm a recovering alcoholic myself. Been sober for 10yrs now.

Mike I know EXACTLY how your friend feels, I know the thoughts that goes through his mind. I know the fear he is or was going through. Some might think it is easy to get off the drink or drugs but it is far from a walk in the park. I have been in and out of AA in the past but the last time I went something stuck. I hope your friend gets it the first time.
Mike--The wisdom you have written here is outstanding,I for one will try to hold my tears back when i get to shake your hand fri or sat at Indy!!!!! This is exactly what we have lost in this country--COMPASSION-- And you are certainly a inspiration to me--Steve

GOD BLESS YOU MIKE and be careful with LEANNA Have a safe trip--She has my cell if you guy's need anything or help when you get to Indy--
I wish your friend all the luck.My uncle was a bad alcoholic for 25 years.One day he quit drinking,no rehab or nothing just quit.I asked him what finally made him quit?I asked him did the Doctors tell you,you would die if you did't quit?He said no they told me 15 years ago to quit or I would die.He finally told me he was drinking and driving and that he had ran someone off the road.He said that scared me enough to quit.
Here He is helping me with my Formula.He has been sober 8 years or so.Now he is much thinner and feels better than when he drank.



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Just a quick update then out the door Treva and I go!! APA 9 ball.
He did call at 2pm and wanted a Canadian bacon and pepperoni pizza :cheers:
I just got back and he looks great and was mowing his yard :blob::blob:
I will return and thank everyone in this thread for there prayers and well wishes :hello2::hello2:

,,Dang DD. That had to be terrible for many there, I will keep a close eye on this 44 year old paint doctor because I have the time to be there.