Wow! Most Users Ever Online At FABO...



Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2006
Reaction score
Bay Area, CA
is today! Glad to see this site is still growing and not going anywhere soon. Thanks to AdamR for building the site, JoeyChgo for taking over and the others that moderate. :salute:
Usually when a site has been around a while, Members drop off, and the new fad, where's off.
Glad to see things are still growing!
Yes thanks admins very very much!

Maybe we could have some sort of a rally for the club members of A Bodies ?
I joined 2-10-05.

I visited a couple time then, but there was hardly any activity.

I just recently visited because I got an email from the forum about the FABO contest.
I was shocked to see how much the site grew.

MY wife even likes this site!
That says alot because she could not care less about cars.
Glad your wife likes the site cause mine is a little sick of it, LOL
No wonder the sites so darn slow today......(joking). Glad to see everyone on-line! :thumbup:

I got my first computer around thank's giving of 05 and found this site.
Then I got the nerve up and signed on for the first time anywhere.
This site and the people here showed me how to post and get involved.

Thank you for having a user friendly site and getting me updated. :thumbup:

My wife like's it too!! It keep's me out of here hair :pain10:
It is almost an obssesion for me, I log in at least every morning to catch up with the new postings while I have my morning coffee. The administrators have done an awesome job with the Site. KUDOS to all.
i remember i got an account here about 5 days before i burned my arm, after i got out of the hospital i havnt been able to get off the site, i go here at least once each day(in computer class :p) then when im home i check up some out pretty good :)
FABO has been steadliy growing for over 3 years now and it looks like there is no end in sight!:wav:
I visited a 1000 times before signing up. Usually check in at least a couple times a day. Haven't lost any enthusiasm in over a year, it keeps me charged up over the winter months. Before this, all I had was Mopar Muscle that I read over and over, I probably have 100 issues or more.