WTF does CL truncate photos?



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2010
Reaction score
This seems to be a change, here lately, in the way that C/L posts photos. You'll see something someone has for sale, etc, and the thing is "stretched? Anyone?
Having the same problem, and others. Seems like they just made a big update and dont have all the bugs worked out quite yet..
It could be a mobile versus desktop thing. Way too many platforms out there these day, glad i am not a programmer.

Dart Doctor: your "to" got stretched in that post. ;-)
Probably a virus from one of them boob sites, Del.
Probably a virus from one of them boob sites, Del.

Ha!:D Wait, there are boobs on the internet???
I gotta tell you guys this.
My Grand daughter asked if she could use one of our computers to look up homework stuff for school one day and the wife told her to go ahead.
After she went in the other room I asked her what kind of homework stuff, and she said "Farm animal pictures for a collage"
I was MOVIN! :D

On the pics, it could be just the CL site auto resizing with certain sizes.