Wtf ???

WOW! Wonder how the ride quality is with wheels that big and a lift kit? Them wheels must come with a kidney belt.
A number of posters have stated that those rims are GAY, well let me be clear I have several gay friends and they, generally speaking, have something called TASTE. They would not be caught dead driving anything that looked like that, now if we were looking at pictures of Mazda Miatas then the gay label might apply. ;)

Joe Dokes
"nothing wrong with car"

that is the most incorrect part of their whole ad.

oh, and
This explains a lot.


  • 007-44.jpg
    17.6 KB · Views: 69
So, they build an ugly car, and get some dude to come in and drop all of his cash on a large down payment. He drives it for a few months, and when he can't make the payments, they repo it. They do this a few times, and THAT'S how the company stays in business.