XV Motorsports Steering column

ok. but if xv is selling it then it can't be too hard to bolt in. most of the they stuff they sell is just other peoples stuff with XV stickers on it.

maybe you should call ididit and see what they say about putting it in a mopar.. whats the worse that can happen. waste a few minutes on the phone?
It's either an Ididit or a CPP. It uses all GM sourced parts (but then, so did later Mopar tilt columns). Have I personally used one? Nope. I have had talks with the folks over at Ididit though, and I believe they still have a 70 Charger column of mine.

Ask them for pics of their mounting points.
I contacted Ididit and they do not make a bolt in column for a bodies. Here's what they said:

"Unfortunately, ididit does not make a steering column for "A" body Mopar yet. We currently manufacture the 1973 "B" body and the 1970-74 "E" body. Hopefully down the road we will get to that body style but there are no projected dates yet. A universal column could be used at a particular length and it would work fine with the original power steering but it's just a matter of how to connect it to the steering box input shaft. The input shaft of the box will need to be known, diameter and spline count. There is a custom column drawing section on our website to log all the dimensions of the steering column down. We can try to build it to those specs if need be."

I will take a look at this drawing and try to make heads or tails out of it. In the meantime, is there no one out there that has used this column? I did ask XV for some documentation on the a body column. When I get it, I will post it.