You have got to be F'n kidding me Repo'd because of a clerical error

My buddy had his car repoed , but had paid his payment on time. They told him that they didn't "post it" in time and that is why it was repoed. They said they were sorry, but could not reimburse him any of his fees.
I am not going to get in to the credit card debate but I am going to agree you can make money using them. I have used them for years to put some good profits in my back pocket. There was a time I have reached in my back pocket and used the credit card to buy 108 cars from an impound yard in Oklahoma City. We repaired 5 of them and sold them and that paid off the credit card.
I am not going to get in to the credit card debate but I am going to agree you can make money using them. I have used them for years to put some good profits in my back pocket. There was a time I have reached in my back pocket and used the credit card to buy 108 cars from an impound yard in Oklahoma City. We repaired 5 of them and sold them and that paid off the credit card.

Another example $$ made with someone else's $$,:D
I don't mean to be an A##hole but I would be pissed at my wife for not taking care of her debt. Every body wants to blame the banks but people need to be responsible for there actions. I may be old but my daddy always taught me if you borrow money its a loan and you need to pay it back.
I don't mean to be an A##hole but I would be pissed at my wife for not taking care of her debt. Every body wants to blame the banks but people need to be responsible for there actions. I may be old but my daddy always taught me if you borrow money its a loan and you need to pay it back.

Oh she got her debit card taken away and I'm handling all of the finances now 100%
I don't know your situation and I'm not accusing you of anything, but I used to work in collections for Chrysler Credit. We didn't put ANY car out for repo unless there were THREE payments due. Even then, it had to go to a review committee to determine if there was any way we could keep the customer in the car, and keep their payments coming. A repossession is a losing situation for everyone involved. Sorry to hear about yours.
Sooooooo mad right now trying to get it released and brought back to us and they don't have a record of payment. They will not talk to me about it either because she bought the car before we were married and I'm not on the loan.

Time to get rid of it and start over or get a personal loan to pay it off. All those charges are not necessary. With this economy they should at least try and help out. I never went through it but had a family member that did and let me tell you at the end of the loan when he calculated what he paid for the car with the interest, late fees and all those extra charges he almost died.
I don't know your situation and I'm not accusing you of anything, but I used to work in collections for Chrysler Credit. We didn't put ANY car out for repo unless there were THREE payments due.

He said in the beginning that she missed 2 payments in 2011. If they never made up those payments and paid over 10 days past the bills due date that makes 3 payments. If the bill gets there over 10 days late they consider it the next months payment.
Well they refused to show us the condition inspection pictures and since I work for a body shop I had an estimate done this morning. $1750 in damage I hope it was worth it to them since they will be paying for it.
He said in the beginning that she missed 2 payments in 2011. If they never made up those payments and paid over 10 days past the bills due date that makes 3 payments. If the bill gets there over 10 days late they consider it the next months payment.

You're preachin' to the choir there Adam. If I had a nickel for every time I explained to someone that yes, you made a payment this month, but it was the one that was due two months ago, I'd be a rich man. When a payment is missed it doesn't just go away, it becomes 30 days past due. When you make your next payment, it goes towards the oldest payment due. Some people just don't get this and are destroying their credit.
You're preachin' to the choir there Adam. If I had a nickel for every time I explained to someone that yes, you made a payment this month, but it was the one that was due two months ago, I'd be a rich man. When a payment is missed it doesn't just go away, it becomes 30 days past due. When you make your next payment, it goes towards the oldest payment due. Some people just don't get this and are destroying their credit.

They had differed those 2 payment from 2011 but reversed the differment because she missed another payment.
I bought 2 houses on credit card and flipped them...yep you got to do it quick before the payments come due. I make 20K on the first one and not so good on the second. My wife loves doing this. We were about 90K in credit card debt..for various no good reasons. We are now out of all credit card debt as of 2013! What a releif and a lot more of expendable income. Plus both girls are out of college. Yeah get rid of negative people in your life. I did this with some neighbors got tired of hearing them ***** and moan.
You're preachin' to the choir there Adam. If I had a nickel for every time I explained to someone that yes, you made a payment this month, but it was the one that was due two months ago, I'd be a rich man. When a payment is missed it doesn't just go away, it becomes 30 days past due. When you make your next payment, it goes towards the oldest payment due. Some people just don't get this and are destroying their credit.

I learned it the hard way. Tanked my credit in my mid 20s and took me 10 years to get back on track. Live and learn. Some of us simply cant afford to buy everything in cash and have to use credit. Thats just the way it is.
I use cash for everything...except for gas which I may change it's just to darn easy to use the debit card at the pump.

If I buy another car it will be only one payment. Now I'm working on getting out of house debt. Then if I can get off the 'grid'.....
Sorry man, repo's do suck. I had a 2003 Ram repoed in 2005. The repo man said I was the nicest guy he'd ever repoed from. He even let me ride in his truck to my residence to empty the truck out. He was just astonished at how nice of a guy i was about it. I just told him that, well, it's my fault not yours, why should I be mad at you for doing your job. Just made things that much easier. He even stayed a few minutes longer and b/sed about how much he thought the truck may go for at auction.
You could just watch his demeanor change from when he pulled up to when he left.....looked like he was scared of getting beaten or shot to looking and acting like he was my neighbor of 5 years. Wished me good luck and that everything would turn out good for me before he drove off.

I tried working out a payment with the loanholder, Citizens Bank, and was on payments for awhile. Got the loan amount down to something like $8900 from $10,000 and when the next statement showed up it said that I was back at $9,900. I was like WTF!! Called and they said that they tacked on the interest that I was paying on the loan. The interest they never showed on the statements!! I quit paying after that and they sent it collections. I tried working it out with the collections agency but one day I talked to the agent he told me one amount and the next day his manager said something completely different, nowhere near the amount the agent told me. So I didn't know truly what I owed, didn't now if I was getting scammed or not?? I then went to the finance dept of my school and they said by law if I request a certified letter defining the amount and terms of contract with them that they would have to send it certified mail. When I told the agency that, they just continued to be beligerent about it yelling, "You have to pay, you have to pay us now!!!" This was all recorded too.

I even admitted to them that I know I'm responsible for the debt and I'd like to pay but....until you send me that certified letter with the amount and contract then I'm not going to pay you a dime. Haven't heard a thing in years. It's been over 7 years now since the loan went into default and collection.

Sorry this is so long, lol. Hope everything goes your way!!