You know your getting old when.....


dodge freak

Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2006
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Too close to Detroit, lol
You change brakes and forget to pump the brakes back up before shifting in to gear...I did that one today, lol Lucky some shrubs stop the car--was an old beater car

Lets hear yours, lol
So I'm standin' in my living room talkin' to a buddy, and I look down on my little table, and there's my cell holster BUT NO CELLPHONE

SO I'm fussin' and gruntin' "DAMN."

"Whassa matter?," says my buddy

"Well here's my cellphone holster, I can't find my phone."

"How many do ya need, yer talkin' to me on ONE of em!!"

And that, my friends is a TRUE story.
When u ask your wife if I can take a blue pill a hour before we go to bed???
Looking for your glasses and they are propped up on top of your head.
Looking for your glasses and they are propped up on top of your head.

LOL my Dad used to do that after three or four times of looking all over for them, when he said he couldn't find them we looked on his head.
get frustrated when you lost your pencil then 20 minutes later realize its in your ear also after accusing everyone around you.
Open the front door to your shop,then spend 20 minutes looking for keys.Then you find them in the doorknob lock.
As I get older I think more of the "hereafter".
I walk to my toolbox and say "What was I here after?"
I change the oil on it and then he goes talking how his brakes squeak, almost to the metal 2 pads were but rotors seemed ok and its just a grocery getter car, so for $16 and a $2 can of brake cleaner hes back on the road with new pads. Felt pretty darn good.

But I was making sure the oil pressure came up quick and forgot about the brakes. Push pedal down and shift and off it goes, lol Didn't have much time to pump and didn't think so quick, in the shrubs it went. Didn't even shut the engine off, just had it in park so it caught as it slowed down.

Well won't happen again--I hope
So I'm standin' in my living room talkin' to a buddy, and I look down on my little table, and there's my cell holster BUT NO CELLPHONE

SO I'm fussin' and gruntin' "DAMN."

"Whassa matter?," says my buddy

"Well here's my cellphone holster, I can't find my phone."

"How many do ya need, yer talkin' to me on ONE of em!!"

And that, my friends is a TRUE story.
(this is way back when I had my '66 Mustang, so age isn't even an excuse lol)
I used to drive to work sometimes, and walk to work sometimes. Well, one day on my way to work, a couple blocks down the road I see my Mustang going around a corner. "WTF!!!" I think and start chasing after it.
Sure enough, I was driving my 'stang at the time:eek:ops:
When you go back into the house to get something, and when you get there you can't remember what you went in for. So you just look around to see if anything you might have wanted was laying around.
....the energy-drink-fueled jabber of my young co-workers drives me crazy.
You change brakes and forget to pump the brakes back up before shifting in to gear...I did that one today, lol Lucky some shrubs stop the car--was an old beater car

Lets hear yours, lol

Here is one... get up and walk to the kitchen and forget why the heck you got up to begin with :banghead:
Another is waking up and making coffee and you put coffee filter in and add coffee , rinse out the coffee jug and put it in place and turn it on :sad4:
:eek:ops: I forget to put water in the coffee maker :banghead:
"Children don't realize that someday, they will know as little as their parents"
Well apparently I know very little! Can't wait for them to know as just as much.
Getting old is when you take your CAR to go buy some lumber for a project, and look for your PICKUP TRUCK when you come out. Being old is when you call the cops to report the TRUCK stolen. Yes officer I parked it right there where that uh never mind.