You know your getting old when.....

You know you getting older when the only reason you take Viagra is to keep from rolling out of bed. MMG
Here's another one.
I have orange juice first up followed by instant coffee.
Lately I seem to put the jug on boil,add sugar and coffee to the coffee cup and then top it up with OJ.!!!

Start again.
I hear ya, I have put coffee grounds in my cup of coffee :glasses7:
pour it out and start again :blob:
If you open this thread and can't recall why you clicked on it.
You know when you're getting old when:

Your get up and go has gotten up and went.
You can't eat 1/2 of what you used too and still gain weight.
You go to bed early, and get up early.
You moan and cry about your aches and pains.
You are concerned with the weather forecast, and plan your life around it.
You go to a restaurant and sample the food, not the waitress.
You complain about the young kids and their crazy music.
You have to have a full physical every year including a poop test.
You are stuck in the decade that was the happiest time for you in your life.
You have to pace yourself.
You need naps in the afternoon, and still go to bed by 10 o'clock.
And finally,
Your day is great if you have a successful crap in the morning!
....for a birthday gift your sister buys you The Dead Celebrity Cookbook. And you can't wait to try recipes by Gypsy Rose Lee and Frank Sinatra.
You know your getting old when your in the garage your wife calls you every 10 minutes just to see if your OK.

You use a tool and two minutes later you can't find it and you spend 30 minutes to locate it in the tool box.

Getting your car up on jackstands is a days work.

Changing the rearend in your car is a winters worth of work.