You should see the other guy. Got rear ended tonight

Yeah, I'm ok, just a bit stiff. Time will tell if it wracked me. I had the forethought of letting off the brake right just in time to absorb some of the impact. You couldn't even tell I had damage on the Titan until you got right behind it. Tailgate still functions good too.

I got rear ended a couple years ago turning into work, I heard the tires squealing and had enough time to get my foot off the brake and start giving it some gas.
Only did did minimal damage to my Jeep Wrangler but the girl was driving a newer GTO and my trailer hitch was like a can opener to the front of her car.
ALWAYS, go to the Doctor after any accident 999 is right you could have a fractured vertebrae or other internal injury and not know it right away. You should have called an ambulance and gone to the hospital, not only does it help you make sure your safe and healthy, but also helps you against the insurance company.

Very good point concerning insurance companies. I would not be surprised to find your own health insurance company decline to help you if you get into a wreck and not go to the hospital and certainly not the other driver's auto insurance company.