Zoom and BOOM!



AKA Mopars4us on Youtube
Mar 11, 2011
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We have a guy that lives two houses down from us that likes to haul *** down our 25mph street.
He's about 45 and lives with his Mommy because he's a looser.
For a long time he didn't drive because of too many DUI's but recently got another car.
We heared him go by today flyin like usual and BOOM!

He cut the inside of the left turn haulin *** and hit our neighbors Father head on.
He was driving his mothers Jeep cherokee this time.
Then he throws it in reverse and takes off (we heard it all since the corner is two houses down from us.)
The neighbors said he was doing approx 50 when he went by then cut the inside of the left hand corner and hit the other car head on.
Everyone assumes he was drunk because he always is, and probably why he took off.
Man it was loud.
A couple of neighborhood kids saw it and jumped in thier car and found him and called the police.
The guy that got hit was laying in the road out of his car and his face was all trashed and an eye was out of place and bleeding from an ear, so they are lifeflighting him down to Phoenix.
All this in a 25mph zone.
My son was just leaving for work when it all happened.
We have a guy that lives two houses down from us that likes to haul *** down our 25mph street.
He's about 45 and lives with his Mommy because he's a looser.
For a long time he didn't drive because of too many DUI's but recently got another car.
We heared him go by today flyin like usual and BOOM!

He cut the inside of the left turn haulin *** and hit our neighbors Father head on.
He was driving his mothers Jeep cherokee this time.
Then he throws it in reverse and takes off (we heard it all since the corner is two houses down from us.)
The neighbors said he was doing approx 50 when he went by then cut the inside of the left hand corner and hit the other car head on.
Everyone assumes he was drunk because he always is, and probably why he took off.
Man it was loud.
A couple of neighborhood kids saw it and jumped in thier car and found him and called the police.
The guy that got hit was laying in the road out of his car and his face was all trashed and an eye was out of place and bleeding from an ear, so they are lifeflighting him down to Phoenix.
All this in a 25mph zone.
My son was just leaving for work when it all happened.

They need to hang that sob.
hanging is not good enough, take him out back and beat him wit a bat.....hope your neighbor recovers....
Ain't rehab GREAT! You can tell he learned his lesson. I hate drinkers! I'm sure I'm not going to make many friends with these comments. You can take a persons DL,take their tag, give um probation, mandate all the damn classes in the world and most will fail! I know, we need to educate people about the evil ways of drinking, yeah thats it!
I have ALWAYS had issue with this guy from the start.
First time I (met) him was when he used to sit out in the driveway after he got home from work with his girlfriend in her diesel truck idling in the driveway for 2-3 hours at 2am because it was cold out.

I got up one morning and pounded the window on the truck scaring the **** out both of them and told him to SHUT THAT NOISY SOB OFF RIGHT NOW!!!
Some people don't have the discretion needed to not drive when drinking.
He's one of em.

Ain't rehab GREAT! You can tell he learned his lesson. I hate drinkers! I'm sure I'm not going to make many friends with these comments. You can take a persons DL,take their tag, give um probation, mandate all the damn classes in the world and most will fail! I know, we need to educate people about the evil ways of drinking, yeah thats it!
People fly down my road also, i live one house away from an elementary school and theres a caution/pedestrian sign in the neighbors yard. They like to try and beat their own times by seeing how fast they can make it each time. Theres one in particular, a teenager with all the face peircings and garbage hair who does it every other day in his moms buick century. God help the unlucky SOB who even comes close to hitting one of the kids in my house. Their only outside if i am and im usually turning wrenches when we are out and im not afraid to put a ratchet through a window and a face through the dirt since it seems that yelling at them no longer works
I assume they arrested the guy. He will not be on the streets for awhile now if they find that he was under the influence.

When I was house hunting for a new place I looked for a house on a cul de sac or dead end. I got tired of the speeders and cut through traffic at my old house. All I get mostly is the neighbors going home.
They got him alright, for hit and run at the least.
Don't know if he was under the influence though, just a guess.
Hit somebody head on right in front of people when you live 4 houses away and run?
Probably DUI.

I assume they arrested the guy. He will not be on the streets for awhile now if they find that he was under the influence.

When I was house hunting for a new place I looked for a house on a cul de sac or dead end. I got tired of the speeders and cut through traffic at my old house. All I get mostly is the neighbors going home.
What a POS... Hopefully they'll throw the book at him and you and your neighbors will be rid of him. Hope the poor guy he hit heals up good.
They got him alright, for hit and run at the least.

going roughly 2x the posted speed limit+hit and run (leaving the scene of an accident/crime)+Victim severly injured. I imagine they probably arrested him for reckless endangerment or the vehicular equivallent. either way, hes not gonna see anything but the cot sheets in a cell with tiny behind him for a while

Keep us posted on your neighbors well being. I'll be praying for him
Speed limit is 35 in the little town where I live. A few years back, there was this f'ing idiot in a red Honda CRX that would go by here every evening about 6PM going about a hundred. One afternoon I saw a state cop sitting 4 houses down in an alley. I walked down, approached the car, and said "You're too early, wait till 6." Then explained to the officer all about mister Honda, and included telling him of my plan to "drop" my bowling ball "at a bad time." He said "there's no need to do anything you'll regret, we'll get him." And it's a good thing they did, 'cause I already had an old bowling ball bag that had the bottom ripped out. It was gonna look like a real unfortunate accident. :eek:ops: