Have you voted

Same here. I was ready to vote a year and half ago!

I think the media has a lot to do with the ever changing poll numbers. I think its ludicrous.

Our election day is Tuesday. I can't wait for this circus to be over.

I wish voters spent a fraction of the energy the spend being consumed with the POTUS election drama and spent it researching and voting for local elections, props, and measures. Some of my neighbors and family members can go on for hours about Conservative/Liberal scandal, drama. and agenda but when asked about a local issue or nominee they have nothing but a blank stare. "Uh, I vote down the line".
1st voted back in 1972 as a 19 yr old..only missed one presidential election, was over seas and did not vote.....Will be there on Tuesday...to make America Great again...
Some days I feel it too!! Adding one more on the 30th. They keep coming faster and faster.
I know where your coming from! 33 years firefighting with roofs and ceiling caving in on me, falling through 2 two floors from the 3rd to the 1st.etc has caught up with me. My Back is done. I've put up with the pain long enough. Tomorrow I have an appointment with the doctor to get back surgery scheduled.
Voted already. I haven't seen anything in the last six months that was going to change my mind.
Can't believe the polls change as much as they do from week to week. There must be a lot of wishy washie people out there that they are polling.

Polls can be made to say whatever the poll takers want them to. I don't pay much attention to them. I would like to know about the rest of the country. In southwest Missouri, I see at least 10 Trump signs for every Hillary one.
Here in N.C. I personally have seen 1 hillary sign, and honest to God, hundreds of trump signs. Just had two good freinds go on trips, one to the outer banks fishing, and one to the beach at a separate location, one said he saw NO hillary signs, the other said he saw ONE, but said hillary for prison, lol. No way in HELL she has much support in N.C.
Here in southern Pa there are 10 Trump signs to 1 Hillary sign. Problem is that the cities such as Philly and Pitts they claim are 7-1 hillary supporters.
Hoping america becomes great again,
Here in southern Pa there are 10 Trump signs to 1 Hillary sign. Problem is that the cities such as Philly and Pitts they claim are 7-1 hillary supporters.
Hoping america becomes great again,
That is to be expected. All of your large cities are going to vote for the candidate that preserves their way of life It doesn't matter weather it's Hillary or Jane Fonda!
It was too late for me to register the normal way in my new district.
I had to register and early vote at the same time. Did that this morning.
We are going in the morning before I go to work.

TRUMP 2016
America has become divisive by choice.
We see responsibility, and/or accept it in different ways.

As we go on through time, I have for a long time seen America as a staggering drunk,
walking down a rough finish stucco hallway.

We scrape heavily on one side of the hallway until bleeding, while the other side heals.
Then we slam against the other wall and scrape along. It's not pretty. But we do get down the hallway.

We vote for our morality concept regarding responsibility and stewardship and/or entitlement "feelings".

But gosh, those who weren't raised to regard responsibility as important will see things differently.
I hope we make a responsible choice, even if it seems like bad medicine to many.
Voted last weekend. My father told me years ago that voting is like changing light bulbs in a chandelier, you can't focus on 1 bulb, all bulbs must work or the chandelier will not work efficiently. I think too many people are fixated on that 1 bulb.
I know where your coming from! 33 years firefighting with roofs and ceiling caving in on me, falling through 2 two floors from the 3rd to the 1st.etc has caught up with me. My Back is done. I've put up with the pain long enough. Tomorrow I have an appointment with the doctor to get back surgery scheduled.
Good luck with the surgery I'll pray for the surgeon to be at the top of his game.