We need more time....


Vic Storm

Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2006
Reaction score
west plains, MO
I can't seem to have anytime anymore, is anyone else feeling that? I am busy as a one legged man in an *** kicking contest but the car working time is not seeming to being fitted in. This is what I need:

8 hours a day for work so I can play.
8 hours a day for honeydo's, the list keeps growing.(keep momma happy)
8 hours a day for working on cars(my time)
8 hours a day for everybody else that needs and asks for my help.
?Sleep and Food?

So far this year this hasn't worked, something always has to give and it seems like it's my time. No matter what I decide, somebodys going to be pissed off so I need a new schedule. Give some ideas guys and tell me how you all manage to fit the hours in when they run short.

Thanks for the rant guys.
IVe been in that same boat many times in my life. I basically pushed myself when I was younger to the point that my body got used to getting 5 maybe 6 hours a night sleep. I know they say its not healthy but it works good for me and like I said my body just adapted I guess. It still doesnt always leave much time for wrenching though. What I used to do when I was younger was I would send my wife away on a little trip every couple months. Her mother lives in Florida so it was always easy to plan and whether it was a 4 or 10 day trip for her to go and spend some extra time with her family it gave me some time to get the things I wanted to done and not feel bad about neglecting her. I have to say that its a heck of a lot easier doing my fish now with being single but life is still full of things to limit the time. Hope things fall into place a little better for you my friend!! Hang in there and Im sure that you will hit a nice groove and there will be no looking back!!
I agree, that is the one constant thing I have to say will haut me until my passing, which I hope is a very long time away.......

Theres never enuff time!
Lol Yea Ive Only Been Able To Fit In About 8hrs A Wk Couple Hrs Here And There With Work And A Ladie Its Hard But We Have To Sleep As Well Im Thinking Of Putting The Back Seat Down And Sleeping In My Car So I Can Get Max Work My Cars Not At My House
Well Vic 8)we all know the honey do list is the first to schedule, The 8 hours of work time hopefully is just 5 or 6 days a week.
I feel if I can spend 6 hours a week on my time for me, No body better ***** about it,:protest: They should stand down and be glad that you are doing what makes you happy. I know it don't sound like much time for your self , But spring is here and those rainy days will make you happy inside working on your cuda or another project, I agree with you Vic, This time of year everyone seems to need a good man to help them with there things they want dun.
My wife is doing a good job at that, She changes her mind more then anyone I know, She wakes up and looks at our house and wants to change everything from light fixtures to the color on the walls. The last thing was the sports room. Wife talking= Honey we need tooooooo and then I just go with it.8)
I can't seem to get all of the wind fall out of my yard, It seems I am the only one that wants it dun, Hang in there bud It will get better soon.:-D
My wife and I get along well over the car. She watches her reality and ghost shows at night amidst her lit candles, which is my time to spend a couple hours in the garage with Stevie Ray and my car. I manage to get a few licks in during the weekend after yard chores are done. Since our two kids have run off to college, we have much more time for our own projects.
So here it is. I've had the opportunity to attend several high powered seminars paid for by the companies i've been employed with and the one seminar that stands out most in my mind and has stayed with me the most is the one on "Time Management". The one thing the guy said that i remember most is when he said the most valuable commodity in the years to come will be "Time". No truer words were ever spoken. He gave us guide lines so as to best manage what time we had as there will be no more than 24 hrs of it in any one day. The largest encroachment on our time is the dumping effect and all of that is done by others IF YOU LET THEM. It's done by people that won't or cant do it them selves but that don't mean you are suppose to take them to raise. It may be co workers that are big on the saying "Let George do it". Just so happens that it sounds like you are George. People don't want to do something or they run out of time then they put it in your pile. One has to man up and let those inconsiderate people know that you aren't going to tolerate their dumping in your pile. Sounds harsh but it's reality. They have no respect for you or they wouldn't be dumping on you. It might be neighbors, brother in laws, co workers, brothers and the list can go on and on. It may be a wife. On that i'd say that if your pleasure is of little or of no concern to them then their love for you should be questioned and revaluated. The same applies for the others in question. Granted we need to have pride in the appearance of our home and the functionality of that home and i'm sure that's what a lot of us call "Honey Dos" but if it is falling down around you faster than you can patch it up something such as a move is in order. One time the wife went to work and was complaining to her co workers about me working in the shop at night and one of the girls spoke up and told her "Well at least you know he's not setting on a bar stoll flirting with some other woman". That was an eye opener for her and did me a wealth of good. A wife should be as understanding as us men and should never be selfish with the time sharing or there is a love issue. On the 8 hrs of car work. I sometimes feel that i would like to work on cars full time but then i wake up. If one works on any one thing for long periods of time it becomes a job and we all probably already have one of those then it no longer is a release for the everyday pressures that bog us down. Another area that is a lot of times understated. We all need our time and space away from the spouse or mate. If two people hang together full time they tend to get on one anothers nerves and that's not healthy. No i'm not a physcologist nor am i a gynocologist but i'll take a look if youd like for me to. LMAO. Hope this helps.
i take it whenever i get it here lately i've had the time but no money now since i went back to work i have alittle extra money but no time it rained all weekend and now the pollen is so thick A-CHOOOOOOOOO but when i do i also have my son come outside kinda gets him out of my wifes hair for awhile as for the honey do chores its a 3 strikes and your out thing 1st 2 when asked give your best deer in the headlights look and say okay or im on it that gives you atleast 2 or 3 days to put it off the 3rd on the other hand can be post pone for 3 hrs max and dont i repeat dont say im on it or okay when she throws out no. 3 that just voids out the next 3 honey do's and you'll have to do them on the spot while the warden is reminding you how you say okay or im on it not sure if this will work on all the wifes might want to test the waters on something less important of a too do
goodluck and hope this helps ........burn after reading
I am re-doing all my clocks to have 14 hour faces.