If you've removed a front window of an A body you've seen the piece of trash plastic with hints of fuzzy attached and it's on the front of the window. So if you look on-line you might see one for 1 or 2 Bitcoins. I instead bot a narrow roll of Velcro at the sewing dept of Big Box & How.
The little pack hung on a pegboard with other stuff (ask ur wife). You'll need a hole maker. Mine is a rotating wheel used for lots of crafts. Might find one at Harbor Freight, among others. Separate the velcro and select the fuzziest roll. Cut a tad short, wrap around window edge fuzzy facing out.and measure for those pesky plastic guide holes. Punch holes (better to be a little loose) Make holes big enough so the gliders fit and assemble. I used scotch tape to hold the top guide to the window, Held the lower and inserted into the channel. Fit nice, doesn"t show.
I sprayed a line of silicone up both sides for luck.