A must see...anyone for a ride?



Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2009
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A 25-mile commute through Russian traffic and a powerful two-wheeled samurai sword, and you get a video showing the "quick" way to work. Sometimes this two-wheeler even becomes a one-wheeler as rare empty stretches of road disappear when the nose goes skyward.
Hang On !!

Gee i wish someone had opened there door while he was driving between them. The people that do this crap on crotch rockets is what makes me hate them.
He's insane, stupid, and careless. And no matter how good he thinks he is, it will catch up with him if he keeps riding like this. Sadly, it reflects badly on all motorcycle riders, and makes it harder for all of us to ride. It only takes a couple of bad experiences with careless riders to make normal people want to get rid of all riders. This leads to BS legislation to infringe on rider's rights, higher insurance rates, and general ill will toward riders. Unfortunately, all kinds of morons will see this video, think its "cool", and try and do the same thing.

Gee i wish someone had opened there door while he was driving between them. The people that do this crap on crotch rockets is what makes me hate them.

Gee, I wish someone would intentionally attempt to cause you serious bodily harm while on you're way to work too. :angry7: Can you be a little more ignorant please?

I hate people that do this too, because it causes crap exactly like what you said. But wishing someone would intentionally do something to harm this jackass is just as bad as what he's doing in the first place, if not worse.

Some a-hole did exactly that to my g/f while she was lane splitting up to a stop light in traffic. Lane splitting is perfectly legal in CA, I might add, when done at safe speeds (in this case, probably less than 10 mph). Damaged her boot, and nearly caused her to crash. He could easily have caused her significant injury, or caused her to be hit by another driver. She wasn't causing any problems, wasn't endangering anyone, and was perfectly within her rights here in Cali.

Lane splitting (also called filtering in Europe, where it is also legal in most places and even encouraged in some), has no effect on car drivers if its done safely. Obviously "safe" has nothing to do with this video. But I split lanes at all traffic lights when there's more than one lane. It protects me from getting rear ended when some careless cage driver doesn't see me and plows me into the car in front of me, something that has happened to several people I know. It also gets me out of traffic, and out of the way. And yet, even splitting lanes in traffic at 5 mph, I run into careless morons that somehow think that I'm doing them some grave injustice because I'm now ahead of them. I'm not slowing anyone down, and as long as I'm doing it safely, it has no effect on them. And yet I have had people intentionally try to open doors in front of me or swerve into me. Not unsafe lane changes or people not paying attention, but actually trying to do me physical harm. Its BS.
He's insane, stupid, and careless. And no matter how good he thinks he is, it will catch up with him if he keeps riding like this. Sadly, it reflects badly on all motorcycle riders, and makes it harder for all of us to ride. It only takes a couple of bad experiences with careless riders to make normal people want to get rid of all riders. This leads to BS legislation to infringe on rider's rights, higher insurance rates, and general ill will toward riders. Unfortunately, all kinds of morons will see this video, think its "cool", and try and do the same thing.

Gee, I wish someone would intentionally attempt to cause you serious bodily harm while on you're way to work too. :angry7: Can you be a little more ignorant please?

I hate people that do this too, because it causes crap exactly like what you said. But wishing someone would intentionally do something to harm this jackass is just as bad as what he's doing in the first place, if not worse.

Some a-hole did exactly that to my g/f while she was lane splitting up to a stop light in traffic. Lane splitting is perfectly legal in CA, I might add, when done at safe speeds (in this case, probably less than 10 mph). Damaged her boot, and nearly caused her to crash. He could easily have caused her significant injury, or caused her to be hit by another driver. She wasn't causing any problems, wasn't endangering anyone, and was perfectly within her rights here in Cali.

Lane splitting (also called filtering in Europe, where it is also legal in most places and even encouraged in some), has no effect on car drivers if its done safely. Obviously "safe" has nothing to do with this video. But I split lanes at all traffic lights when there's more than one lane. It protects me from getting rear ended when some careless cage driver doesn't see me and plows me into the car in front of me, something that has happened to several people I know. It also gets me out of traffic, and out of the way. And yet, even splitting lanes in traffic at 5 mph, I run into careless morons that somehow think that I'm doing them some grave injustice because I'm now ahead of them. I'm not slowing anyone down, and as long as I'm doing it safely, it has no effect on them. And yet I have had people intentionally try to open doors in front of me or swerve into me. Not unsafe lane changes or people not paying attention, but actually trying to do me physical harm. Its BS.
I totally agree, I ride a Scooter 250cc and have the same feelings, I also feel the same way when someone says they can "street race" in a "safe" part of town, that is also B.S., that is why we have drag strips. enough said.....
He's insane, stupid, and careless. And no matter how good he thinks he is, it will catch up with him if he keeps riding like this. Sadly, it reflects badly on all motorcycle riders, and makes it harder for all of us to ride. It only takes a couple of bad experiences with careless riders to make normal people want to get rid of all riders. This leads to BS legislation to infringe on rider's rights, higher insurance rates, and general ill will toward riders. Unfortunately, all kinds of morons will see this video, think its "cool", and try and do the same thing.

Gee, I wish someone would intentionally attempt to cause you serious bodily harm while on you're way to work too. :angry7: Can you be a little more ignorant please?

I hate people that do this too, because it causes crap exactly like what you said. But wishing someone would intentionally do something to harm this jackass is just as bad as what he's doing in the first place, if not worse.

Some a-hole did exactly that to my g/f while she was lane splitting up to a stop light in traffic. Lane splitting is perfectly legal in CA, I might add, when done at safe speeds (in this case, probably less than 10 mph). Damaged her boot, and nearly caused her to crash. He could easily have caused her significant injury, or caused her to be hit by another driver. She wasn't causing any problems, wasn't endangering anyone, and was perfectly within her rights here in Cali.

Lane splitting (also called filtering in Europe, where it is also legal in most places and even encouraged in some), has no effect on car drivers if its done safely. Obviously "safe" has nothing to do with this video. But I split lanes at all traffic lights when there's more than one lane. It protects me from getting rear ended when some careless cage driver doesn't see me and plows me into the car in front of me, something that has happened to several people I know. It also gets me out of traffic, and out of the way. And yet, even splitting lanes in traffic at 5 mph, I run into careless morons that somehow think that I'm doing them some grave injustice because I'm now ahead of them. I'm not slowing anyone down, and as long as I'm doing it safely, it has no effect on them. And yet I have had people intentionally try to open doors in front of me or swerve into me. Not unsafe lane changes or people not paying attention, but actually trying to do me physical harm. Its BS.

Gee I wish you would try lane splitting in Fl. where it is not legal. So I guess if someone was crossing the street because the trafic was stopped and he plowed there a$$ that would be ok? Look I'm not going to get into a pissing match with you on how stupid that activity is. It is illegal in any state and if you have no more concern for your own health than to ride a bike like that than yes I wish someone opened there door, by accident of course.
That was awesome!! made me a little dizzy, but it was awesome!
wow, i can ride hard and wheelie and cut through some traffic on my bike but that guy is good/stupid. At the end is yea, accident waiting to happen. Im surprised he didnt hit anyone
Man this guys is crazy... I've seen them do stuff like that around here, popping wheelies, going by at 100+ and just think that it must be good to be in funeral services and bike repair, that is if theres anything left of the bike.
I've seen that vid before.

When I had a ZX-10R I was no angel but I didn't get as drastic as in the video.

Over here in the states it wouldn't be long there would be a helicopter flying overhead giving " the man " with the tazer your exact location.
They don't chase guys like that down here in Atlanta, they can't catch them.

They just wait for them to become organ donors.

I witnessed tow idiots doing that in the rain in heavy traffic one day .

The first bike made it through a row of cars fine but bike number two was not so lucky as he was crushed between two trucks as they merged for the same lane and neither one of them saw the bike coming since they were too busy beeping their horns at the first idiot.

multiple cars ran the guy over and he became hamburger meat.
Hell he didn't even get close, never even nicked a mirror.:toothy10:
i agree they don't chase, the cops i'm friends with say anything over 125 they don't even bother... theres to many side roads to run where i live.

around here all my friends and I don't share what bikes we own, don't post pictures. I never leave my bike out in the driveway or yard either, always indoors or washed in back yard out of sight so people cant put bike to a house. Also ride with a blue chrome face shield. And got my license plate where i can reach back and bend it up making it on unreadable.
This is why I am happy I made it to 38 to enjoy my wife and 4 year old son. Man it used to be fun but when you do make it you were lucky or you did something right. I had my bikes 170+ and on one wheel many times in my 20's but a few broken ribs 6 weeks before my marriage actually ended up in my 68 Formula S. I promised all future toys would have bumpers. My recent XR600R pushed the limits of that promise but I am much more responsible now. Hey if they make it the Darwin factor decided their fate. Have fun but we all know that if responsibility was what was our #1 driver we would all be driving some sort of 10 year old Camry.

Sorry but you can't love high performance A bodies and judge that somebody else took it too far. If you think this all belongs on a track somewhere that's your opinion but I hope we all enjoy some "exhibition" once in a while.
when its your time, its your time.. Im sure everyone has done something that they shouldn't of had made it through
I need to upstage that guy with my Barracuda, as soon as I can get it to balance on two wheels through rush hour traffic, I will video tape and post.
and id say to anyone that haven't drove a 1000 jap streetbike flat out your missing out, they are absolute rockets for the money. I just wouldn't be doing it in rush hour traffic.
and id say to anyone that haven't drove a 1000 jap streetbike flat out your missing out, they are absolute rockets for the money. I just wouldn't be doing it in rush hour traffic.
Had an 02 GSXR 1000, was an absolute blast. Hit the rev limiter in sixth gear numerous times. Not saying it was smart. But when I was wide open I was all alone, nobody around.